I've Given Up Naming These Things....

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Never have I hated someone as much as I did Katya in this moment. It had been hours spent with the crazed woman trying to meditate.

"If you just kept still we wouldn't be having this problem!" She shouted at me.

"Well I can't!" I shouted back at her. We were sitting with our legs crossed and hands resting on our knees. My eyes were closed, as instructed to do so by Katya, but I continued to fidget and shift.

For the past few hours she had been trying to teach me how to get into a meditative state so I could further push myself to be in the astral. When asking why it was so important she replied with a sharp, "Because I said so," as if she was my mother. And so here we sat on the ground screaming like birds.

"I give up with you!" I opened my eyes to see Katya throwing her arms up into the air in a frustrated manner.

"I don't understand why I can't do this." Huffing I laid down flat on the dirt. I gazed at the blue sky that was speckled with white and grey clouds. A slight breeze from the ocean made way through the leaves of the trees bring with a refreshing ocean scent. In that moment I was most at peace with myself than I had ever been since coming to this Island.

"What do we do now?" I turned my head slightly to see Katya sitting back down on the ground her head downwards.

"I was thinking we took a visit to the gardens. Maybe your niche lays there rather than out of body magic." The woman told me but neither of us made a move to leave.

"What do you think my niche will be?" I asked but turned my head to look back at the sky.

"It depends."


"Lot's of things but primarily your niche is decided by a destiny like foce. Everyone's niche plays a certain role on the island and in lives of the people around them. I don't know you but I know enough to take a stab and say you'll have a natural niche."

"What's that?"

"A natural niche is just something to do with an aspect of nature. Don't get me wrong, most niches derive from nature itself. Hell our magic is created by nature but what I mean is that you'll work with plants or you'll be an herbalist."

"That'd be neat but I don't know a whole lot about plants. I can barely keep weeds alive." I thought back to the time in my sixth grade science class when we were planting green beans to watch the germination of seeds. I remember my plant growing differentially and looking odd compared to the other plants only to find out it was a tomato plant or all things. My teacher didn't know how that happened and accused me of switching the seeds.

"To the gardens it is then." I smiled before getting to my feet in an ungraceful manner. Katya did the same, but in a graceful manner, and led the way to the garden.

The gardens were on the south side of the island and so we didn't take the main passage way. Katya said since it was nearing lunch it would be crowded and we'd be better off using some of the unused passageways. Meaning the unkept and potentially haunted stone lined sand ways.

"If I didn't know better I would say these unused passageways or yours were haunted." I commented.

"They are. We just passed George over by the large quartz crystal on the right."


"Yeah. George was a kitchen witch back in the day but died back there when he tripped and hit his head on the quartz."

"So what? He haunts the rock now?"

"Basically yeah but he's a total sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a fly."

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