First Night In

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Jinhyung and Eun Ri sat across from each other in the dinning hall. Jinhyung had finished his meal and was admiring the way Eun Ri looked as she ate her meal. Eun Ri shifted uncomfortably in her seat, feeling his gaze. 

You can't tell him to do anything for you. The words from the guard ran though her head. She had a huge urge to ask him to stop looking at her. Before finishing her meal, she put her fork down. "I think I'm done for tonight."

"Are you sure? It looks like you've barely touched your food."

"Y-yes, I'm fine." In reality she just felt too uncomfortable to finish her meal. 

Jinhyung got up and walked over to Eun Ri and put out a hand for her. "Lets get to our bedroom. It's getting late and we have a big day tomorrow. A lot of guests will be over to congratulate us."

She nodded and took his hand. He led them into a luxurious room. The room itself was bigger than the majority of her apartment. She looked around in awe. 

"You like?" 

"It's amazing! It's bigger than my apartment!" She realized she was practically yelling. "S-sorry for yelling." 

"No it's alright. It shows me that you like this place."

She smiled meekly and looked down at the ground. She looked at her dress that she put on after the wedding. She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it. That would be asking him to do something. 

He noticed this small action "Stella? What were you going to say?" 

"I-I was wondering if you had some night clothes that I could change into."

"Ah! Yes, follow me." He led her to a dresser. "In here you will find pajamas and undergarments. Everyday a new outfit will be put into this wardrobe next to it." He opened it. "So everyday when you open it, there will be one outfit in there. If you need to change for an event or something I'll have someone put another outfit in later. Okay?" She nodded. "There's a bathroom in over there where the door near my closet is. You can go change, I'll wait for you."

She quickly got some undergarments and a pair of pajamas out of the dresser and shuffled to the bathroom. Again, she was gawking at the beauty of the bath room itself. It was ginormous. She quickly got out of the clothes she was in and got into her night wear. She held the dirty clothes she had in her arms as she walked out. "W-what should I do with these?"

"I'll take them." He carefully took the clothes from Eun Ri and walked out the door momentarily. You can get to bed. I still need to wash up."

"Okay." Jinhyung went into the bathroom and closed the door. Eun Ri slid under the sheets and started to doze off.  

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