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Eun Ri's head pounded as she awoke. Voices were heard in the room next door. "How much tranquilizer did you giver her? She's out longer than she should be."

"Well she's smaller than you said she was going to be. I thought you did your research!"

Eun Ri opened her eyes, the brightness of the room blinding her for a moment. Everything was spinning. Panic settled in as she recalled the events from last night. She was taken. She looked around to her surroundings, realizing that this wasn't how people, who were kidnapped, were accommodated.  She laid on a soft bed in a luxurious room. She immediately looked down at her clothes, they were still intact and un-tampered with. A breath of relief left her lips. Eun Ri tried to get out of the bed quietly, but with her clumsiness she fell onto the floor. 

The thud alerted the guards, causing them to rush into the room. "Miss are you alright?" They tried to grab her arms to help her up.  She frantically tried to get up and run away. "Whoa calm down Miss Stella." 

"S-Stella? What?" She looked between the two guards. "I-I'm not Stella."

"Sure you aren't." Sarcasm dripped from his words. 

"I'm seriously not." She felt around for her wallet. "Where's my wallet?" 

A guard pulled it out of his jacket pocket. "It fell onto the floor when we took you."

She pulled out her I.D card. "My name's Eun Ri." Suddenly their faces paled. 

"We grabbed the wrong girl." They said in unison.

Crossfire [On Hold]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن