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The door opened and Eun Ri looked up from where she sat. The loss of sleep was evident on her face. "Come on, lets go." The guard said. She slowly got up from her bed and walked with him. They walked into a room. The room basically glowed. Kim-So's teal hair immediately caught her eyes.

Kim-So greeted Eun Ri with a smile. "Hello Eun-I mean Stella." Kim-So took her hand. "Come on let's get you ready." Eun Ri had a glum face as she was led into the dressing room. "Hey, I wanted you to know that I am on your side here."

"Are you really though?" She said looking at the ground.

"I am. I don't like the idea of being forcefully married. But who knows you may end up liking the guy."  Kim-So helped Eun Ri into the wedding dress. "If you need someone to talk to you can always call for my assistance."

A sense of comfort washed over Eun Ri. "Okay." She gave a small smile.

About an hour later Kim-So finished getting Eun Ri ready.


Eun Ri and Kim-So stood outside the doors of the grand hall. "Okay so here's your bouquet of flowers. Good luck out there Eun Ri."

"I'm going to need it."

"Remember to smile. He'll want you to smile." She nodded her head. The doors opened and hundreds of eyes looked at her. The music started and she slowly started to proceed into the venue. As she got up to the front, she took a good look at her soon-to-be husband.

 As she got up to the front, she took a good look at her soon-to-be husband

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She had to look up to see his face. As their eyes met, she could see the sparkle of happiness in his. She felt guilty, sad, scared, and nervous all at the same time.

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