Eun Ri

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It was like any other evening. The street lights glistened as she walked to the convince store in which she worked. It was around eight at night when she entered. Eun Ri didn't have such a great jobs, but they paid the bills. Eun Ri walked passed her co-worker and clocked in. "Eun Ri."

She lifted her head up. "hm?"

"Go clean up isle four." She was always the one that was chosen to do all the cleaning and hard jobs; but she put up with it. 


Time passed and it was dawning upon eleven o'clock, closing time. As Eun Ri was putting away the last box she heard her co-worker leave for the night. She sighed as she went to the back to clock out. As she turned to the corner to go to the computer, there was a change in atmosphere. The room was dark except for a few flickering lights. "What should I have expected from Stella? I should've known she wouldn't change the lights." She muttered to herself. Hands grabbed her and she tried to hit the offender. A sudden pinch was felt in her neck, and everything around her began to slow down. The next thing she knows is everything is dark.  

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