Chapter 41

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"Lin I am going to kill you." I said under my breath as the next contraction hit. They were long and they were motherf*cking painful and all I wanted was the damn epidural.

"What did I do?" He laughed.

"You have sperm." I groaned as the contraction continued on, what kind of fresh hell is this?

"I'm sorry." He smiled and pushed my hair out of my face.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it now! Bit late for that." I breathed as the contraction ended.

The doctor walked in and smiled, "How are you doing Lena?"

"I'm in dire need of some relief. This stuff is no joke." I sighed.

"Alright let me have a look." She started examining me and gave me a huge smile, "Five centimeters! I'm going to go ahead and call the anesthesiologist."

"Thank you sweet lord." I took a breath as the next contraction rolled on through my body.

I had nearly forgotten that my mom and Lin's mom were in the room, they had barely said anything, letting Lin take over. Luis, Lin's father, had just landed in London and was on his way to the hospital, he should make it in plenty of time for the birth of the boys.

"Hi Lena." A male walked into the room, "My name is Dr. White. I'm the anesthesiologist on call and I'll be administering the epidural."

"Hi." I gave him a week smile, clearly in pain.

"I'm going to need you to lie on your side and curl up. Now this part is important okay Lena? No matter how bad the contractions are I need you not to move. I'm putting this needle in your lower back to administer the drugs and we don't want to run the risk of paralysis okay?"

"Okay. I'll be as still as a god damn wood board if you'd just hurry up."

Lin laughed and wiped my face with the washcloth again, "Sorry, she's a bit agitated."

"No problem. Go ahead and lay on your side." I did as he said and rolled over so that my back was facing him. I curled into the fetal position, "Wonderful job. I'm going to wipe a numbing agent on your back now."

He wiped the stuff on my lower back and waited a few moments, "Alright, now the fun part. I'm going to be putting the needle in now. Please do not move."

I followed his orders and stayed as still as I possibly could even though a horrible contraction was pulsating through my lower half. I didn't feel a thing before he spoke up, "Beautiful work Lena. That was on of the easiest one's I've ever done."

I smiled and nodded, "You threatened me with paralysis."

He laughed, "Alright I'm administering the epidural. You should start to feel numbing right away and the full effect won't kick in for another twenty minutes."

I nodded and waited for the magic drugs to start making their way through my body. Oh, was he right. Within seconds the pain of the contractions started to subside. I even smiled for a minute. The doctor helped me roll back over without messing up the catheter.

"Are you smiling?" Lin asked as the drugs really started to kick in.

"You bet I am." I grinned at him.

"Those must be some drugs. My lord."

"Oh honey, they are."

He laughed and kept putting the cool cloth over my face, "Thank you for that by the way. It's quite nice."

"Anything for you my love. Literally anything right now."

I smiled and tried to relax as best as I could. The next few hours went as such: the doctor would come in and I would not be dilated enough, she would say that she would be back eventually to continue checking in on me, I would have awful contractions that not even the epidural could subside. Lin had stayed positive and wide-awake through the entire process.

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