Chapter Nineteen - Dream

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Chapter Nineteen


The only thing worse than a boy that hates you; a boy that loves you

~Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

Faye stumbled under the sudden extra weight, hissing out a curse under her breath as she tucked her other arm under the Fae girl in an effort to prevent her from falling like a stone on the hard, unforgiving floor. 

Wynella looked dead, she mused, and for some reason, the idea left a sour taste in the back of her throat.

Cale wouldn't be pleased.

There was a shuddering crack and Faye's eyes darted up - to see Pelgrin squeezing back through the door, a sharp bruise already forming on his leathery cheek, and fury plain in his eyes.

"You only get one shot like that, little Falyla. You should have made it count." He snarled.

And suddenly, he was barrelling across the room at her, something sharp glinting in his hand. 

Faye fumbled for the dagger she'd stupidly abandoned trying to keep the Fae girl upright, sudden fear gripping at her heart as her fingers grasped nothing but air. 

And then Pelgrin was on his knees, a look of absolute confusion on his face as his huge hands felt wildly at his back.

Behind him, Cale stood, golden eyes ablaze, and hand grasping the hilt of a long, thin blade that was buried deep into the older Hunter's back. 

And then suddenly Cale's foot whipped around, catching the man alongside his head. 

There was a sharp 'snap' as Pelgrin was flung to the side, eyes rolling up and back as he large body slumped against the floor, obviously out for the count. 

Cale didn't even bat an eyelash.

Faye's heart constricted as she yet again, paused to appreciate just how bad-ass and sexy he was, all wrapped up in one gorgeous bow.

But, of course, those golden orbs weren't trained on her.

Instantly, they went to the fallen Fae girl she was cradling in her arms, an expression of unabashed worry coating his usually stoic expression.

It was almost sickening to watch. 

"They came after us here, Cale. Here. All to get you." She snapped, in an effort to direct his attention elsewhere, at least for a little while. "How in the hell did the Order know we were jumping a Portal to Mirror? How -"

"Shut up for a second." He bit back, eyes flashing, and instantly, Faye's lips closed.

He stalked across the room, rummaging through the assortments of needles that lay importantly on the Saucer-Eyed man's wooden desk, obviously eyeing for something in particular. 

Then, his fingers closed around a thin, but wide wooden box, and he was back across the room, kneeling beside Wynella's body, flipping the case open.

Within were four vials of the same green substance that the Abnormal from Mirror had shot him up with. 

Soundlessly, Cale uncased one, raising the substance just above his head, peering at it, as though inspecting it thoroughly, like he didn't trust it one bit.

But then, after another glance at the fading Wynella, he reached down and grabbed her arm, hesitating for only a second before plunging the syringe into her flesh, releasing the liquid inside.

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