Chapter Three - The Fae

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Chapter Three
The Fae 

See I was dead when I woke up this morning
And I'll be dead before the day is done

~Florence + The Machine, Seven Devils


Faye Garter liked new things. 

She especially liked new things that looked pretty. 

As she peered down at the glistening, new blades before her, she couldn't help but smile a smile that she knew made her face look even more beautiful and enticing, before casting a glance in the bulky, caramel-colored teen beside her, sparing him an extra eye-flutter.

"Which of these do you think better completes my outfit?" She asked coyly, grabbing a blade at random and raising it to hover right over her low-cut shirt that was showing off quite a bit of her more-than-ample cleavage.

All Rick, the teen the size of a small truck with corded muscles and a huge, strong jaw, could manage to do was gape at her. Just like they all did.

Well, all, with the infuriating exception of none other than Cale Schatten himself.

"Enough, Faye. Honestly, you're going to give him an aneurysm one day." Came the scolding, yet amused voice from the doorway. 

With a grin, Faye turned to face the slightly plump blond woman, leaning against the door to their Armoury Storage Unit, arms crossed under her chest and eyebrows raised over her warm, blue eyes. She was still wearing the apron she'd had on when she'd been baking cookies at midday for Cale's return later in the evening, and her pretty face was still slightly pale from the hour that she'd spent puking up her guts in the bathroom just before the distress call and hummed in from the wall-sized computer in the study-library area. 

Jamie Phelps teetered a bit at the top of the stairs, so much so that Faye stepped forward to assist, but then she got her balance, and, tucking a lock of her blond wisps behind a freckled ear, journeyed down the stairs. 

"Nice to see you again, Rick." She nodded at him, and he mumbled a response neither she nor Faye caught. 

With a shake of her head at the poor boy's unfortunately low self-esteem, Jamie reached up to run her fingers through the teenage girl's amber hair, pulling it up into a tight, severe ponytail that seemed to even further accent Faye's natural gorgeousness. "Be careful, babe. I know it's just a Recovery mission but -"

"Yeah, yeah: 'the Darkness is most prominent at night', 'watch you back and your partner's back', 'there are always rouge Abnormals roaming', blah blah blah." Faye smirked over her shoulder at Jamie's faux-irritated grimace at being interuppted. "I know, I know, Cale gives me the whole lecture every time."

"And with good cause too." Jamie said, and with a sigh, she put the finishing touches on Faye's hair and spun the girl around to face her. "There, now you look like a real Hunter." She smiled, almost wistfully, making Faye feel both warmly happy and slightly embarrassed - a feeling Jamie always managed to erect in her. Then the motherly air vanished and the older woman was all seriousness again. "Speaking of Cale... did he say why it was taking him so long to get back?"

Faye thought back on Cale's more-than-normally irritated tones and shrugged. "Cale is Cale." Was all she said before reaching past Jamie to grab two more blades, just like Cale had asked her to, and gesturing up at Rick to follow her. "Apparently, we get what we get." 

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