Chapter Fifteen - Belief

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Chapter Fifteen 


I have hated words and I have loved them; and I hope I have made them right.

~Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

The morning dew smelt of fresh orchids and fallen sunlight. He sat in the wicker chair, feet perched on the balcony before him, watching the lush surroundings glisten with the newly shed raindrops, each surface kissed with an abundance of fresh water and pure intentions. 

It was the kind of morning he rarely had the time to appreciate. 

As though on cue, the double doors behind him swung open, and low chatter filled the terrace as the soft clomping of footsteps echoed into the previously silent air. 

With a sigh, he cast a furtive glance over his shoulder, fingers slipping automatically into his red cloak's pocket to toy with the pocket watch sitting within.

Leading the procession was a tall, eerily attractive blond, whose green orbs radiated energy and excitement as he ushered the crowd along, his fine boned face and delicate features as seamless as new skin. 

The man in the red cloak chuckled at that - unbeknown to their guests, the blond probably was indeed wearing new skin… skin that had not originally been his own. 

"Ah, you're up..." The blond smirked, spreading his arms wide as he crossed the cobblestone terrace with a supernatural grace, eyes sparkling. "I'd wondered where you'd gotten to." 

"And I see you have company, Gyrad.." The man's eyes flickered over the people who'd come to a hesitant stop behind the blond - they were all dressed smartly, in long, flowing garments, with jewels and riches adorned in their oddly long hair. 

"The Fae Folk have decided to pay us a visit...” Gyrad replied, his smirk growing even wider. "Apparently, one of their own has gone missing..."

The man's eyes flickered again to the group behind the blond - this time, he could see the increasing looks of concern and distress on their faces.

A look of feigned surprise passed over his face as he slowly rose to his feet, burgundy coat flowing out around him. 

In his pocket, the watch ticked maliciously. 

"Is that so?" His eyes fell particularly on one of the Fae - a male, who was shifting back and forth nervously, making no secret of his state of discomfort. 

The male's long, greenish hair was falling into his face, and his body, marred with the trademark 'living tattoos' of the Earth Fae, was writhing on its own, his black marks twisting and untwisting, seemingly unable to sit still.

"I assume you know this Fae that has gone missing, do you?" The man nodded to the male, whose back instantly stiffened, and face blanched at being directly addressed. 

A beat of silence filled the room as not a being spoke. The wind whistled softly through the terrace, caressing and kind. The morning rays fell against them, lighting the area, and warming the chilly atmosphere. 

Finally, one of the other Fae cleared his throat, ushering the addressed one to speak. 

"I... I do-" He began, but then Gyrad stepped forward, smirk still upon his face, but tone hard.

"Introduce yourself, when speaking to him, Fae... It's only polite." 

The Fae's eyes flicked only once to the blond before he turned back to the man in the red cloak, the fear in his eyes clear.

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