Chapter IV

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The Bubbler hit play on the music as we and the girls started to dance against each other. Now, I've seen Lady Wi-Fi dance before, and she's an amazing dancer. But this spotted new girl was new to me, I never seen her dance before and when she danced she moved like no one was watching as cliché as that sounds. She moved with so much passion and spirit I wasn't sure if I could win this one. She may be the one to strip me from my title as champion. And the way the two danced together, it was almost like they knew each other. It was like they danced with each other before and knew the other's plans.

But that's impossible, they just met.

By the end, the crowd was chanting for the unknown stranger. Lady WiFi and Bubbler's jaw dropped before he made his way to the mic. When he picked it up, the room went silent. Everyone was waiting for the verdict even though we already knew who won just by the previous chants and the smirk on the girls lips.

"What's your name, new champ?" Bubbler asked as all eyes went on her. She waved away the question like it was nothing but still answered.

"Ladybug, and please, don't call me Champ. That title belongs to Chat Noir." A collection of gasps passed through the audience. I picked my head up and looked at her with confusion. Was she refusing the title of Champion?

"What?" I asked but it barely came out a whisper. Her smirk grew slightly as she made her way to me.

"You heard me, kitty." She flicked the bell around my neck. "You're the Champion here, not me. I refuse the title if it means I'm the only one. As you can tell, im not really one for flying solo–"

"Was that a bug pun?"

"–So I'll let you keep your title." As Ladybug went to leave she stopped and turned around to face me just one last time. "See you around, Champ."

And with that she disappeared into the real world to resume with her civilian life. Only i refuse to let her get away from me that easily. I ran up the stairs and out on the empty streets of Paris. I looked around for the bluenette haired girl with bluebell eyes frantically. She couldn't have gone far, how did she just disappear so quickly? It was impossible.

I turned around to head back to the club when a certain thing in red caught my attention from the corner of my eye. There she stood putting a piece of gum in her mouth leaning against the wall directly across from the back door I came out of to search for her. How I didn't see here, i don't know but there is no way i was letting her get away from my view before I was done talking to her.

"I'm not going to let you just give up the title of champion. You won, not me. It's your title." I said walking up to her. She blew a bubble which ended up popping only milliseconds later.

"You're stubborn, you know?" My gaze didn't lift from the seriousness I was giving her. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alright fine, if you really want to be like that then what's your idea? And it better not be you giving it to me to be champ on my own, that is simply not an option."

I gave a half shrug in reply seeing it was a fair choice.

"We both become the Champions of Club Miraculous. You'll be my queen and I'll be your king."


I stared at the boy in front of me. I may have said I would never be going to the club again, but the hope that shown in his eyes was hard to say no to.

If only he knew what I do...

Shrugging I pushed myself off the wall. "Okay, lets go tell Bubbler, Kitty."

I grabbed the collar of his jacket and dragged him along behind me as I made my way back down into the club, spotting a mysterious figure standing in the shadows watching our descend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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