Chapter II

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I stuck my shoes in my bag along with my soon to be empty water bottle. I pulled on my fabric shorts and flats before zipping up my duffle.

"Leaving so soon? I thought we could chat." Alya's voice said behind me. I shook my head at my best friend.

"What are you doing here Alya? Don't you have a curfew?" I responded.

"Actually," I heard her foot steps as she walked towards me. "I'm called Lady Wi-Fi like this." She bent down so I could get a good look at her from the corner of my eye. I jumped in surprise at my friends outfit. I mean, break dance gear with a Wi-Fi symbol on it? That eye shadow face paint? Break dance clothes? It just wasn't her. Not to mention if anyone saw her like that she would get expelled.

"Alya, why? You could get expelled!"

"Just let me explain. Down stairs, is a club where people can dance how they want."

"If you wanted to do a different style of dance, we could have went and done jazz. Not risk getting expelled."

"Come on, Marinette. Just trust me. I won't get expelled. But I will if you end up telling. So many people look forward to this and being allowed to express themselves other then all this classical and sophisticated dancing." I huffed but gave in, allowing Alya to hug me.

"On one condition," I pulled away and Alya smiled.

"I brought a spare outfit and face paint to match. I'll go grab it." Alya went to leave and grab the clothes. It was weird how she knew what I was gonna say. She came back in no time with an over sized, off one shoulder sweatshirt with the word Princess badazle on it, pale pink yoga pants to go under a ripped white jean shorty shorts, and a multi pink sports bra. After I was changed she helped me with my so called mask and handed me a set of pink and white high tops.

"I can not believe I'm doing this." I sighed as Alya led me to the back of the storage room where a door led to the basement. She just gave me a smile and push open the door where the sounds of up beat music and cheering filled my ears. Also the smell of sweat and a sense of passion. Alya was already disappearing into the crowd before I even closed the door behind me. Looking around the crowded space, I finally spotted her standing up in the DJ booth pulling away the DJ as the guy who helped me earlier laughed and jumped down to the dance floor. Just for fun, I pushed myself to the center of the circle where people were chanting Go Chat. As he danced, you could tell he danced with emotion and freedom. If only I could have the freedom to dance like that...


I made my exit from the dance floor after another victory just in time to spot Lady Wi-Fi pulling Bubbler under the stairs, one of the darkest corners of the room. I let out a slight chuckle and shook my head. Making my way to get some water, a bluenette girl with her hair pulled up into a ballerina bun caught my eye as she sat by herself on her phone. She looked up every now and then as someone passed by her, probably hoping for it to be Lady Wi-Fi. Smiling, I walked up to her and sat down beside her.

"Hello, Princess." She scoffed and rolled her eyes at the name I gave her.

"Princess? What's with the pet name?" At this response from her, I shook my head.

"Not a pet name, it's your name down here. That way no one knows you're real name so you won't get expelled." I explained. She eyed me over, as if it wasn't an excuse. "It's on your shirt so I thought why not make it your name?"

She was quiet for a while before speaking up. "Look, Chat, that's nice of you and all to give me my name for when I'm here, but me coming here is just a one time thing. I will not risk getting expelled and the only reason why I'm down here is to please Al-Lady Wi-Fi because I know she won't stop bugging me if i didn't." I shrugged.

"Fair enough. If this is the only time then it might as well be the best, come on!" And with that I grabbed her hand, pulling her from her seat and dragging her to the dance floor to dance.

Don't Stop Dancing • Miraculous Breakdance/Ballet AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin