Chapter I

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I was always late and always expected to be scolded by my teacher only today when I fell through that door of the ballet studio and everyone stared at me, the teacher wasn't there.

"Well, look who it is. Miss Clumsy Ballerina, late again," Chloe laughed that annoying little laugh of hers as her follower, Sabrina, joined in. "You're lucky our teacher got fired and we're getting a new one today who's completely late." Me being me, I just glared at the blonde headed brat as I walked over to Alya and sat my stuff down and sat next to her on the bench.

"Let me guess, hit snooze one time to much?" Alya sized me up and shook her head. "Girl, girl, girl, if you don't start waking up on time I'm going to have to come over way to early and make you get ready just so you can be on time." I sent a sheepish smile to my best friend which Alya just bumped my shoulder to hers. "Get them shoes on, girl. Ill go get us some good spots on the bar."

As Alya walked away, I smiled and slipped off my shorts and flats and started putting on my ballet slippers. I then walked over to the bar next to Alya and started warming up. After half an hour after I came, a short, older Chinese man with a goatee and mustache holding a cane walked in. His Hawaiian shirt was a huge contrast to the dance outfits we were use to our teachers wearing.

"What are you waiting for? I gave you forty minutes to warm up, get into your lines." The elder went and took a seat next to the the music player. He gave us a set of moves to preform. They were complicated but apparently easy to some people. Our new teacher just had us repeat those steps till it was time to go and every time I did them, I failed.

While everyone else was leaving, I stayed seated on the floor from the latest embarrassment from Chloe and my clumsiness. Alya came over to me once she had her sweats and tee on paired with her sneakers and squat down next to me.

"Hey, don't listen to Chloe. The combos that new teach gave us was hard and Chloe didn't even do all of it. You're a great dancer, Mari." My friend attempted to comfort me. I looked up at the ombre haired girl and smiled which she returned. "Come on, I know a place that can help cheer you up but I'd need to change first."

Alya helped me to my feet and I shook my head. "Thanks, Alya, but I think I'm going to stay and rehearse that combo some more."

"Okay, girl. Just don't over work yourself and if you change your mind, text me. I'll see you tomorrow." Alya and I hugged then she left me alone in the now empty room. Letting out a deep breath, I made my way over to the music player and pressed play. Luckily, I had the whole building to myself as long as I locked up after I was done, so I played the music slightly louder then normal and started.


I kept my head down with my fists dug deep in my pockets of my pants. I walked up to the school and checked in the window to make sure my mask was how I liked it I looked around to see no one was looking as I slipped in. I was already sightly late due to the fact I couldn't shake off the gorilla. And it didn't help that I was leaving in sweats and a sweatshirt covering my breakdance clothes or the fact that I couldn't put my mask on yet.

I felt the pager Bubbler gave me my first day in the club when I was announced as Champion buzz. I pulled it out to see that he was wondering where I was. I sighed and walked quickly towards the back storage room but stopped abruptly hearing soft and slow music coming from a lit studio with ballerina slippers and music notes all over the fogged windows, where you could see a shadow silhouette moving from one end of the room to the other.

"Why is someone still here? The school day is over." I whispered to myself, my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. I opened the door to the ballet studio quietly and slipped in to see who was here and find out why. The ballerina inside then started to do pirouettes, tripping and falling after the fifth or sixth one. She sat in a ball on the floor, fists clench in her lap from anger. She didn't stop the music, just sat there.

Don't Stop Dancing • Miraculous Breakdance/Ballet AUWhere stories live. Discover now