We are all gathered here today...

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A day went by......

I hear the doorbell ringing while I lay down watching Housewives of Atlanta. I had just gone down stairs to get my popcorn out the microwave.

"Ugh who is that?" I said flustered

I go down stairs and open the door and to my surprise it was Roman with a bouquet of flowers and godiva chocolate which I was dying for but I wonder how did he know that?

"What are you doing here? I told you I wasn't going to Hawaii with you." I say to him

"Can you at least invite me in before you slice my throat." He says

"Fine...come on in" I say opening the door wider

"Wwe gave me 4 days off and I already used a day coming here from Canada to get you to come with me. Please baby!! After this you can decide if you want to be with me or not but I as well as Alani need your support. I love you and I think its time for you to meet my mother and my brothers." Roman days grabbing my hand

"I just don't want any drama. Me and the baby been through a lot Ro" I say as my head sink into his shoulder

"I know baby but I promise it's going to work out. We all will sit down like grown adults and settle this." He says while rubbing my back

"Grown adults? Roman she slapped me in the face. She's lucky Alani was there because Oooh I would of beat her ass." I say with rage flaring as my head leave his shoulders to look him in the eye

"Okay,okay calm down." He says as he rubs my arms up and down with his hands in sense to calm me down

"And if I'm going to Hawaii with you this can't happen. You touching me. I couldn't stand to see your face, now that I'm getting use to it a little bit, the next thing is I don't want you touching me." I say while moving away from him

"Uh..okay fine, fine. I'll do anything." He says

After, I go upstairs to pack up. When I was done packing, he picked up my bags and put it in the trunk of the car. He boarded a private plane to take us to Hawaii. After a few hours of flying I dozed off. Roman knew I didn't want him touching me so he sought me sleeping as a chance to rub my belly.

"Hey soldier. It's your daddy here. I know things haven't been the best lately but you've been hanging in there. I would like to say you got that strength from me but its all from your mother. She is the strongest person I know and I love her and I'm going to make it right for all of us you hear. I love you and I can't wait for you to meet your sister. I see your mother waking up, got to go." He says as he pulls away and act likes nothing ever happened.

"Ugh we're still in air. My back hurts." I say as I lift my back from the seat, placing my hand on the upper part of my back.

"Let me get that for you." Roman says approach me

"No its okay.Stay where you are." I say pushing my other hand towards him

"I'm already up so..." He says as his hands press against my back. It felt so good but I didn't want him to know that, but I can't say I didn't make it obvious.

"Roman no- ohh. Yes right there. To the left, a little to the right....uhh yess." I say while in my mind slapping myself for doing it

" See, me touching you is not so bad after all. You use to like when I touched you, the way I use to pull your hair back so that my lips could work its magic on your neck." He says while pulling my hair, baring my neck.

I was so horny. They say woman is the horniest when their pregnant and I didn't believe that until now.

"Roman don't do this" I plead

From Justice to Just Us (Roman Reigns Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang