Serving Justice

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"Do you know what you want to get?" Seth asks me

" Yes I do...I would like to have the Well done steak and fries." I say to the waiter and Seth

"Funny I was gonna get the same thing" Seth replies

"Do you know what you want baby?" Roman fiancee asks him

"Uhhhh". he says avoiding eye contact with me

"I'll get whatever you're getting baby" He says smiling at her

I couldn't help but the the way he would smile and call me baby.

"I would like to have The Jumbo shrimp with scallops please" She says while giving the menus back to him

" Okay, I'll be back shortly with your dinner" the waiter says

"Thank you" we all say

As I stare Roman down and he tries to avoid eye contact with me, his fiance begins to ask me questions.

"So how is it working with these guys?" she asks me

"Its alright. There not so bad once you get inside them, isn't that right Roman?" I ask him

" Uh.....yea " Roman says while coughing

"Are you okay babe?" his fiancee aks

"I'm fine. Wow this scotch is strong." he says as he drinks to prevent himself from talking anymore

Soon the waiter comes with our food and refills our drinks. Trying to get the steak sauce, I purposely bump my elbow into Seth's glas of water, making it fall over his lap.

"Ahhhh.." Seth say backing his chair away

"Omg I'm so sorry. Here let me fix it" I say while patting his groin  with the napkin that was on the table

" You didn't have to do that but I'm not going to be the one to stop you" Seth says enjoying the pat down

As I smile with Seth, I can hear heavy breathing coming from across of me. It was Roman grunting. I could tell he was getting furious by the second from the way vanes was popping out his neck.

"I think it's time to call for the check, don't you think ?" I say seductively looking at Seth reeling him in

"As a matter of fact I do, are you guys done with your food?" He asks Roman and his fiancee

"Yes we are" she speaks for him

We begin to walk to the  car but not before I go to use the ladies room. As Roman fiancee and Seth goes to heat up the car, I see Roman walking behind me. Before I could open the door to the girls bathroom, he shoves me to the men bathroom.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask him

"My problem what are you trying to do, drive me insane? I get it I didn't tell you about her and I'm sorry for that but acting that way with him in front of me, you're not going to do."  He says as he points his finger in my face

"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are? You tell me you're just friends with her and come to find out you're engaged to be married to her. Fuck you!!" I say while opening the door to leave. I feel the tears coming but I try to avoid them.

"Wait" He says grabbing my arm in an attempt to stop and console me

"Don't ever touch me again" I say while looking at him straight in the eyes as rage fill mines

I get back to the car and a few minutes later Roman follows. We reach Roman's house to drop them off.

"Reach home safe you guys" his Fiancee says

"We will" I say for me and Seth

"Wait you're going to his house? Aren't you in a hotel, why waste your money?" Roman asks in jealousy

"It's only for tonight" I say

"Maybe" Seth says not too far along

"You two kids have fun now,bye" Roman fiance says as she shuts the door, not before Roman gives me that "Don't do this" face

Through the ride to his house, I couldn't help but feel guilty. When he got there I couldn't do it, I couldn't sleep with him. Not only was it out of my character but it was not me. and I loved Roman too much.

"I'm sorry I came all the way here for nothing to happen." I say

"I kind of figured. When was you going to tell me about you and Roman?" Seth says

"What? what are you talking about?" I say stumped

"I seen the way you looked at each other and your face when I told you he had a fiance was priceless" He says

"So why go through all this trouble?" I say

"Because I really do Like you. He just used you like he did other girls before you. I've known him for years and I've seen him toy with girls like you and drop them like a piece of trash and I refuse to let that happen to you." He says while attempting to kiss me

"I can't do this " I say while holding back

" I figured you would say that. Don't worry about leaving, you could crash on my bed, I'll take the couch." Seth says

" Seth I'm sorry." I say while heading upstairs to the bedroom

"Don't mention it" he says

When it came morning, I called a taxi which dropped me off to the hotel. After packing up my things, I headed to the airport and boarded a flight to the next city for Raw.  

From Justice to Just Us (Roman Reigns Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now