And so it begins

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"What the hell are you doing here?" She says while Alani sneaks up behind her

"Leone!!!" Alani says as she gets up from behind her to hug me

"Hey Shortcake!!" I say as I bend down to give her a hug. That nickname came about when I saw her for the first time skyping with Roman. She had on this striped leggings with a pink pickododted Dress and matching pink shoes, and to me she looked like Strawberry short cake so I called her shortcake for short.

"You finally came to see me like, you alwaysed promise." Alani says

"I always keep my promises." I say while sliding my index finger down the point of her nose

"Alani go to your room while me and Leone talk." Melissa (Roman's Fiancee) says

"But mom she just came, I promised if she ever came I would show her my doll collection." Alani says pouting

"And you will, just not right now but I promise later." I say Cutting Melissa off before she can say anything

"Okay" Alani says walking to her room and closing it

"Don't you ever fucking come in here and tell my daughter what to do OKAY!! . You recognize you messed up a family...her life will never be the same because of you whoring around on the job." She says as Veins pop out her neck

"Because of my whoring around? I wasn't the one who lied to you for a year. He lied to both of us Okay!! You think I would of been with him if I knew he was still together with you?" I say

"I don't seem like the type" She says trying to throw a jab at me

"Oh please!! I wasn't the one that pursued him, he pursued me and maybe if you were doing your job right he wouldn't have been making love to me for the past year." I jab back

" You call that making love? He was just fucking you because you were there?" She says throwing another jab

"Oh and you was there for him? Were you there when he injured his eye and had to get 50 stitches? Were you there when he jumped off the turnbuckle and hit his knee on the mat in which his kneecap shifted out the socket? Let me ask you this, Where were you at all those shows? Where were you on the biggest night of his life when he fought at Wrestlemania?." I ask

"I.....I...I was taking care of our child." She says thinking of what to say

" And you never brought Alani to not one of his shows. Things haven't been the same between you guys and you just need to face that by letting him go." I say

"I'll let go of him, as soon a she let go of me." She says

"I'm the mother of his firstborn, so you really think he's going to let me go that easy? He may not be in love with me but he loves me and that's enough for him to come crawling back." She continues to say

"He will always love you because you're the mother of his child but lets face it. It was always me.Me he cuddled with at night, me he talked hours on the phone with, me he said he loved me to, me he made love to over and over again." I say trying to keep my voice down

" You think he loves you just because he says he does? He loves the idea of you. Having somebody to puppet with, having somebody to suck his dick when he likes....because he knows that he can't do that with me, thats why he settles for you." She says with an evil look on her face

" Your just mad because I do all the things you wish you could of done, but with you being ms.pristine you could never do. I bet he doesn't go down on you like he goes down on me, he doesn't ride you like he rides me, heck I bet you don't suck his dick like how I suck it.." I say looking at her face and watching her smirk turn into a frown

"Oh never sucked his dick." I say

"I don't have to do what you do to make a man that doesn't obviously love me stay with me." She says

" I do deeper things than that. I listen to him when he speaks, I show him affection, Hell I act like he exist unlike you. Even when we had that double date, you kept on speaking for him. You make him feel less of a man. I make him feel like himself, he can't even be himself around you because he's not who you want him to be." I reply

"Don't you dare act like you know our situation when you don't. We were happy before you came along WHORE!!" She says raising her voice

" That's the bubble that you put yourself in. He was never happy with you. He only stayed with you because of Alani. Why do you think you guys been engaged for so long? 2 Years really? Aren't you a charm."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT! UUUUP!!!" She screams

"What you can't handle the truth?" I say

" He doesn't love you, get that through your fucking head. I have his baby and he will never leave me and stop loving me." She says still screaming

"I have his baby too. Well I'm having his baby to be exact." I say while rubbing my stomach

She slowly looks down at my belly then slowly looks up at me. She then slaps me in my face in which I felt the point of the ring she was wearing create a gash on my face.

"Mommy no!!" Alani says while coming behind me and hugging my leg

I was going to kick her scrawny ass but I controlled myself for the sake or Alani and my baby.

"Hey, hey I'm fine.Don't cry okay everything will be okay." I say wiping the tears that were appearing on her face

"Get out my house." Melissa ordered

I kiss Allani on the forehead and proceeded to walk out the door but not before giving Melissa that "It's not over " face.

"Come near me or my daughter again and you are going to wish you hadn't bitch."She says while slamming the door

After ,I boarded the 4 o'clock fight back to New york . When I got home , I treated the gash on my face. I was stress but mostly tired of it all, the only thing I thought of doing was going straight to bed. After I took of my clothes and put on my pajamas, I heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I said weary

"Did you know what you just did?" Roman said in a panic

"What? What are you talking about.?" I ask

"I said let me sleep on it, let me handle it and you go to the house and argue with her.I told you it wasn't a good time, you thought I was doing it just to make you guys avoid each other." He says

"I'm sorry I had to do it. I needed answers that you weren't giving to me....and by the way did she tell you that she put her hands on me knowing I'm carrying your child. "

"Leone this is not a game. This is not lets see who can do the most hurt. She's threatening to take full custody of Alani."

"What?" I say sitting up

"She can't do that. You're a good father to her."

" I told you to let me handle it. I told you it wasn't a good time, now I may never see my daughter again. She feels like since you know where they live, you are going to be a harm to Alani and now I don't know where she's moving with my daughter. " He says getting emotional

"Roman I'm sorry.We will find a way to get her back I promise."I say crying

"No you did enough" He says while shutting the phone

That night I couldn't stop crying. Here I was worried about myself and my closure, that I didn't think about what it could of done to Roman's daughter and her relationship with her father. I should've thought twice before I boarded that plane to Florida. The weight I was carrying from my baby was nothing compared to the weight of Roman never seeing his daughter again pounding on my shoulders. I didn't know what was to come but one thing I did know, it wasn't going to be good.

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