What Will they Say??

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Aphs POV

It was later that day. Aaron and I have been thinking of ways to tell everyone we were a thing. "Maybe we could just staight up tell them?" "Aaron...I love you, but that is the worst idea I have ever heard. This is Kaytlen and Zane we are talking about. The others would probably understand, but those two don't really like the idea of me dating. No offence. " "None taken, but if we can't just tell them, then what are we going to do?"

"Maybe we could...I don't know. I got nothing. We are just going to have to tell them. I'll go dig our graves real quick." "Aph, come on, they won't kill us." "What ever you say. Let's go get this done and over with." We then left Aarons house and began walking over to mine. Aaron and I called everyone and told them to meet at my house. Once we arrived we saw that everyone was there.

Aaron and I walked in and everyone turned to look at us. On our way over there we agreed that Aaron would do all of the talking. I really hope this goes well and that Zane will keep calm. Zane never really liked Aaron so I'm crossing my fingers that he will not yell at anyone. "Ok everyone, me and Aph have something to tell you all." Everyone then turns their attention to Aaron.  I walk over and stand next to him. He grabs my hand. A blush forms on mt cheeks. "We talked..." More like thought of this last minute. "-and we decided that telling you all at once would be best. Me and Aph.....are dating."

It goes quiet. I see Aaron begin to sweat of nervousness. I look around at everyone and I can't read anyones emotions. Then I see a fluff of pink hair begin to rise out from behind everyone and I brace myself for what is about to happen. "MY SHIIIPPPPP!!!! Kawaii~Chan knew it! Oh my Irene. EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She comes over to us and hugs us both. Then Travis, Garroth, Dante, and Laurence come over to us. Garroth looks at Aaron and puts a hand on his shoulder. "You're one lucky man." Laurence, Dante, and Travis wrap their arms around me and then I'm squished into one big bear hug. "We are so happy for you." I hear Travis say. "C-Can't breathe. Need a-air." I gasp. They all let go.

I look behind them and see Zane and Kaytlen talked then they walk over to me. Zane walks over to Aaron. "You better treat her right. If I find out you hurt her in any way. I will kill you myself got that?" "I promsie Zane." "Good." Kaytlen and Zane then wrap their arms around me. I sigh in relief. "I'm happy for you. You two are perfect for eachother. And if he makes you happy. Then I guess I can tolerate him." I hear Kaytlen say. "Same here." Zane says. I chuckle. "Thanks guys." I look over at Aaron and walk over to him. "Told you they wouldn't kill us." I giggle. Aaron looks up. "Since we all are here. Wanna watch a movie?" Everyone says sure and we set up a little area in the living room to watch a movie. Kaytlen puts in Twilight. I sit next to Aaron on the couch and then Zane sits on the other side of me.

Aaron grabs my hand and I lay my head on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead and then I hear Zane yell. "No PDA!" I laugh. "Zane calm down. It's not like we had a full make-out session." "It might as well have been. I laugh and shove his shoulder. "Ok "dad" we won't kiss anymore in front of you. Ok." "Thank yo-wait. Did you just call me dad?" "Yes because you are acting like an over protective dad." I giggle. He sighs and smiles a little. "Well...that's just the type of friend I am. So deal with it." "Ok.....dad." He sighs and I laugh.

~Time Skip~

The movie endd and everyone starts to head home. I give Aaron a kiss goodbye and tell him I will come over tomorrow for luch. He smiles and gives one last kiss and the. Leaves. I turn and see Kawaii~Chan smiling at me and I smile back. I walk upstairs and head to my room. I slip my pajamas on and head for bed. I lay down and cover up. I close my eyes and start to drift into a well deserved sleep.

Hey guys. I am so so so so sorry. It has legit been a whole year since I posted. I've had family problems and school was stressing me out. I didn't have the time. I want tonapologize for me being gone for so long. I feel like such a bad person now. I will post more often now. Hope you liked the chapter too. I will all you lovelys later. Author~Chan out. Bu~bye.

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