The Nervous Breakdown

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Aph's POV

I didn't know what do do. Aaron just left and now I'm in my room panicking. "Aph, are you ok? You have been in there since Aaron left." "I'm fine Kaytlen. I just think I am about to have a nervous breakdown." "That's it, I'm calling Aaron. Maybe he will motivate you" "No, no you will not call him." "You can't stop me. I am going to call him." "Nooooooo!!!!" "Yessssssss!!" "Fine I will come out of my room, but only one condition." "And what is that?" "You have to promise me that you will not and I repeat will NOT call Aaron at any point in time. Even if we needed his help. DO NOT CALL HIM."

"Ok...ok..ok...geez. Just calm down." I then opened the door and went straight downstairs. I sat down for a few hours and watched some Attack on Titan to calm down. A few hours later, I had to go to the bathroom. When I went to the bathroom, I noticed a tux hanging on the back of the door. Then I realized that that was Aaron's tux. I then began to panic. I didn't want to drop it off, but Kawaii~Chan and Kaytlen are at work so I have to. Hopefully he isn't home so I don't have to talk to him. I then put his tux on a hanger and started heading towards his house. I finally made it there and I saw that he was home. I was scared. What was I going to tell him? I mean, what did that kiss mean? Was it just the heat of the moment or did it mean something more?

When I got on his porch, I was literally pacing back and fourth. I couldn't bring up the courage yo ring the door bell or even knock on the door. I then stopped when I heard footsteps walking up the stairs to the porch. It was Aaron, he must have been on a walk or something. "Hey Aph, what are you doing here?" "I...oh..uh...I came to...uh." "Is that my tux you have there?" "Yes, I came to...uh...drop it off. You left it in my...uh...bathroom" "I was wondering where I put it." "Hehehe, yeaahh." I 9didn't what to say. I was about to have a nervous breakdown. "Aph, are you ok? You look pale." "Oh, I'm fine. *I pasted out.*

*Time Skip*

I woke up on a couch, but it wasn't mine. It was Aaron's. Oh my Irene. I pasted out didn't I. This is bad. I hope I didn't cause him to much trouble. I got up and started heading towards the door. As I was about to turn the doorknob, Aaron came up to me and said, "Aph, is your head ok?" "'s fine Thanks, for...uh...bringing me in and laying me on the couch." "Your welcome." "See ya later." "See ya." Then, right then and there as I was opening the door, Aaron kissed me on the cheek. Like, WHAAATTT. All I could do was fan girl insid emyh head, but I kept my composer on the outside. Once I got on the sidewalk, I made sure Aaron was inside. Then once I saw that he was, I started jumping up and down. But, wait. What did this mean? I can't tell the girls, can I? I would they react. Looks like I will have to wait and see.

Hey guys, sorry for the long break. I've been a little busy. I hope you liked it and tell me if you like long chapters like this. Also, comment down below, what should happen next. Should Aph tell girls or not. You get to choose what happens next. Author~Chan out. Bu~bye!

Aarmau For LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora