Yet Another Day~

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Guys . . . There is two new stories ! ! ! Please check them out :) hope you like xoxo

So detention . . . sucks . . .

I decided I am going to make a plan.. which I already did once I got home last night.

If you were smart, like me, you would make up a story of why you are in detention. It's not like he is going to frame it on the wall for everyone to see. Right?

I haven't decided on what my story is, but it's gotta be believable.

First, I thought maybe it should be about talking back to the teacher. But no, that's cheep.

Then I thought maybe it should be how I was cheating on my biology test. Maybe, but I thought I could make it a little better. I finally decided I would sleep on it, and if I don't have a good story for tomorrow . . . cheating it is.

The only perk of this situation in my case is my dad. I'm not going to his house. I'm going to my moms. Which means she could care less, all she cares about is her boyfriend... and I can see my brother . . . I'm going to kill him.

I told my mom I was going to be late because I'm working on a school project.... So afterward she came to pick me up.


"Bye guys, I'll be home at 10!" My mom said walking out the door. Yeah you guessed it...she's going a stupid date with this stupid guy who doesn't deserve my mom.

Once I saw the car pull out of the driveway, I turned to Matthew, who was already looking over at me.

"We never see each other at school anymore." He said.

"Does wittle Matthew miss me?" I asked frowning.

"Psshh no." He said.

"Listen, right now I'm supposed to hate you." I said.

"What? What did I do? I barley see you!" He said holding his hands up.

"I'll give you a hint," I said, "Denise." I said walking away from him because he know knows what I'm talking about.

"Em!" I shouted.

"I am not dating her! I'm not aloud to date until I'm a junior!" He said defending himself.

"Ha! Funny! Dad said I can date whenever I want." I said fake laughing.

"Kenzie! You're finally here! I made a whole list of things we can do before you have to go to dads house." She said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to her room. I followed her.

Her room is still the same, the walls were painted pink, bookshelf, tv. I wish I was 13 again.

"You can drive right? Or did you fail the test?" She said with a smile.

"I can drive, why?" I asked.

"Well tomorrow Matthew is going to dads, so that means it's just going to be us girls. On Friday, were going to have a girls day out, after school we can go to the mall, and get some dinner. And on Saturday, we can go get breakfast, maybe go see a movie, or get our nails done." She just kept blabbing and blabbing, which makes me =smile because I realize how lucky I am.

"Oh my gosh! Yeah sure, but you do have money for the mall right?" I asked.

"Well yeah, I'm rich," she laughed, "and I also have money for the movies and I can chip in for dinner." She said.

"Wow, I can pay for that. Okay, I never get to see you. My treat." I said smiling.


Detention. I'm back!

I walked in, and waited for Mr. Jonathan to come in.

I haven't thought on what I was going to say, so I guess I'm going with the cheating.

Once Mr. Jonathan came in the room, he called the names, and everyone was there, except for Harry, I had this feeling he probably wouldn't want to come. Then we began writing. Easy.

I wrote my first paragraph saying I didn't study.

The second paragraph was about staring around the room not wanting to fail.

Third paragraph was that I started looking over at others.

Fourth paragraph I started copying off of Liam.

Fifth paragraph I finished the quiz knowing I did something horrible. Ha!

Sixth paragraph was about getting caught by the teacher and lying.

Last paragraph was saying how sorry I was.

And boom! I'm done. That didn't take long.

I handed the teacher my paper, said have a nice day, and walked out the door. I felt a huge sigh of relief, knowing that will be the last time in that hell hole. Hopefully.

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