She did it!~

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Mackenzie's POV

"Bye dad, I love you!" I said giving my dad a quick kiss on the cheek, and running out of the house. I didn't even have time to eat, or make myself look somewhat presentable.

See if you were like me, who doesn't go to sleep until like lets just say 3 in the morning, and don't wake up until 7, well then you feel my pain. I rushed to my car, hopped in, started the engine, and drove to school (going as fast as I can, but not passing the speed limit).

Once I reached school, I knew I was late. My luck right? This always happens to me, and it makes me look stupid when I rush into the classroom, and everyone is silent. Well that's exactly what happened. Shit! My biology test is today!

"Miss Mackenzie, you're late." Mrs. Moore said when I walked into her classroom. Everyone looked up, and then back to their test.

"Sorry I'm running late, Mrs. Moore, I'll start my test right away." I said talking my seat in the way back. She came over to me and handed me the test. When I received it, it had the word 'Late' on the corner. Oh oh.

Mrs. Moore doesn't give a shit if you're late. If you're late, and we have to take a test, she takes off five points. What a bitch.

I started my test, glad I studied. Maybe I didn't study enough. I'm going to fail. Yup. Good bye straight A's. I sighed loudly, maybe a little louder then I expected.

"Shut up." Liam said.

"Excuse me? I wasn't talking" I sassed. Then he sighed louder then I did, mocking me. Jerk off. I looked at him in annoyance.

"Oh sorry. I- I wasn't talking" He said stuttering on purpose, and fluttering his eyes at me.

"Liam and Mackenzie! You have five seconds to be quiet, or you both get a zero on you're test." Mrs. Moore said looking Liam and I in the eyes.

"5,4,3,2," Liam whispered to me.

"OW!" Liam yelled.

"Liam and Mackenzie! You both now have a zero!"

"What!" Me and Liam both said in unison.

"She slapped me!" Liam shouted.

"He's lying!" I yelled back.

"What! She just doesn't want to get in trouble because she's too innocent." Liam said, once more fluttering his eyes at me.

"Enough!" The teacher yelled. "You both have received a zero on you're test, and both of you have an after school detention!" She yelled.

"I can't!" Liam pleaded. "I have football tryouts after school!"

"This year, the football team won't need you."

"But-" He was cut off.

"No!" Mrs. Moore yelled, like yelled on the top of her lungs. Harsh.

We both sat down, and Mrs. Moore came to take our test.

Once the bell rang, I threw my bag onto my back, and walked out the door. Once Liam came out, I mocked Mrs. Moore.

"This year the football team won't need you." I said giving him an evil smile.


"Asshole" I said walking away proudly.

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