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Your P.O.V.

My body shoots up from my bed at the sudden sound. I rubbed my eyes and grunted. "Ahg...what...?" I looked around my messy room. I finally recognized the sound and culprit and picked up my phone. "How dare you wake me from my slumber!" I said, actually feeling slightly angry at it. No response.

I turn on my phone to check the time. 6;27 A.M. it reads. "I'm up WAY to early," I think to myself. I quickly go through my notifications when I realize, Jasper texted me! I suddenly didn't feel as tired and immediately text her back.
(+ = your messages * = Jaspers Messages)

*Hey (Y/N), you awake?

+ I am now. What's up?

*Well, are you planning on going to the arcade today?

+Yup! Why are you asking? Are you not going?

*Well, I'll go if you go. The only reason I'm asking is because... I want you to be careful. Bad things happened around there...

+Well, alright then. I'll see you there.

*See ya

I wonder....what I she afraid of..?


"Hey Ruby, hey Sapphire!" I yelled out to them. I was in front of the door to the arcade with Amethyst, Pearl and Jasper. "Hey (Y/N)." Said Ruby. "Hello (Y/N)." Continued Sapphire. Honestly, they are just so cute! "OK! Seems like everyone is here! Let's go!" Exclaimed Amethyst. How is there NOT a volume button on her?

We all head inside the magnificent room of cheese and games. "Yo, Me and Pearl are gonna grab some food." Said Amethyst. "Pearl and I." Corrected Pearl. Amethyst rolled her eyes at the bird. "Alright, then Sapphire and I will go get tickets," said as they headed over with the money. "Cool, Jasper, wanna cone with me to get a table?" She nods and we headed for a big table.

Soon, everyone came over. After successfully splitting all the coins between each other, we go to run around and play games. I went to play that virtual jump rope game while Amethyst played the weird fishing game behind me. Jasper was playing a wack-a-mole game next to me. "God damn moles..." I heard her mumble.

After playing some games for half an hour, I went to go get some remaining pizza at the table. "Be right back guys!" I said, running to the table. I was almost there when someone got into my way and hit them by accident. I was pushed back by the force, but the other person stood tall.

"Uh...sorry," I looked up only to be greeted by a diamond! Not any diamond, but PINK Diamond! Pink diamond is one of the newer Diamonds who is technically in a teen kind of state according to gems. "I-I-I AM VERY SORRY!" I stuttered.

Pink Diamond kept on staring at me, but not as a cold stare, but as a stare of wonder. "You're Y/N, aren't you?" She asks. I quickly got up and nodded my head. Her eyes relax as she gave a small smile. "Ah! I've been wanting to meet you!" She says. "Me? Why me?" I ask. Why would a diamond want me? She gets a bit closer and bends down. "I've been wanting to see a human, never thought one could look so...cute~" I blush as she rubs my chin. "Umm...t-thank you, Pink Diamond." She gives me a caring smile. Suddenly, a Topaz fusion and a Aquamarine came over. "My diamond, if I may ask, what are you doing?" says the Aquamarine. She seems to have a slight British accent. Pink Diamond seem to give her a look of annoyance, but after quickly changing it to a happy expression. "Oh, I am meeting the human that has come to our school. Her name is Y/N!" she then looks at Topaz, "Isn't she cute?" Pink Diamond motions to me. I'm not sure, but it seems like the fusion has been staring at me from the beginning. The Topaz fusion then looks up to Pink Diamond. "Exactly,Topaz!" I rubbed my arms a bit. "Um, I was heading to get a slice of pizza, so i wanted to ask if you wanted to...join?" I pointed my arm toward the seats Jasper and I got. "Would I? Of course!" Pink Diamond exclaims. I lead her, the fusion and Aquamarine toward our table. We then started having a friendly conversation.

Highschool Years (Jasper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now