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HEYYY, ITZ YA BOI. I've been wondering, do you guys like a dominate Jasper, or a submissive one. I like both, but you can hardly find submissive ones. Also, OVER 1.50K VIEWS! MY HEART! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!

Your P.O.V.
I was caught surprised, but I sure was excited. I stood up and looked at Jasper. "Let's go, Jasper!" I could see a dark orange blush on her face. In all honesty, she looked pretty cute like that. Her slightly shaky hand grab mine. We then head straight to the closet. I was the first to sit down. And, after a moment, Jasper went in as well. While the door was closing, Amethyst gave us a thumbs up. "Get her!" She said as she closed the door.

It was silent in the beginning. Jasper seemed to not want to be spoken too, so I waited for her to speak and, finally, she spoke up.

"H-Hey Y/N. How long do humans live?" I was surprised by her question, but I answered anyways. "Humans can live to the oldest to 100 or a bit more. But I think average is 80 or 90." Jasper seemed to have become more sadder. She had a feeling of regret around her. I wonder why...

Jasper's P.O.V.
"But I think average is 80 or 90." I regret asking that. My heart sinks lower than it has ever. I started to feel deeply compressed by a low, heavy feeling. How could humans die so young..?

I love Y/N more than I could possibly say. She is cute and smart, as well as trustworthy to her friends and strong, in a different way. She is everything I wish I could be. I'm not cute, I'm not smart, I am a liar and I am not strong, in that way. I am so different from her. Her bright smile can bring light in any storm at night. My smile resembles anger and battles.

"How do you...feel about me..?" I ask. I'm not sure why. Well, I really wanted to know, but I wasn't going to ask just in case it made her uncomfortable, yet here I am. My mouth moving on its own.

Your P.O.V.
"How do you...feel about me..?" Jasper asks. My checks flush a scarlet red, but I'm lucky that the closet was dark. My mouth shakes as I speak. "W-Well, I think you are an amazing person. You take no problems from anyone and you like to get things done. You are able to protect your friends and are passionate about them too. So, like I said, I think you are an amazing person!" Jasper seemed to have lighten up to this, but not fully. "Wow, thanks du-" said Jasper before I cut her off. "I...I'm not really done..."

I looked down at my hands. "I...also...really like how much you love me. I love how you could show it anywhere and didn't care if any human or gem judged us." I stopped to see how Jasper was doing.

Jasper's P.O.V.
My breath hitched when she said "us." She didn't say "you" Luke she normally would. She said "us." M-Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe the runt didn't want to hurt my feelings. Or maybe she...Y/N....

Y/N continues, "I-I also like how you look. People say that you look scary, but all I could see is an amazing person. I love your eyes. I know its common for gems to have yellow eyes, but yours seem to glow, even in the dark." I laughed on the inside. Of course my eyes glow. That's how I can see better in the dark. That how I can notice Y/N's...blush.

"I also l-love how your long hair seems to swirl around you and is soft. The color of your hair is very pleasing to me, and matches perfectly to you. Better than any other Jasper. Though it doesn't seem like it, you look unique. You look...." Y/N looked to the other way. "...beautiful..."

My heart lifts and swirls. Fireworks were going off in my head. My breathing became heavy with laughter. "Y/N....you say some of the craziest things." I say as I put my hand on top of her head. Y/N stood up and stretched. "Man, I hope we don't stay here for too long. I am tired of sitting." Y/N bent back a bit, and her shirt lifted up showing a little belly and belly button. It was adorable.

Suddenly, Y/N tripped over my big feet. She yelped and fell. I closed my eyes for a second. "Hey, did I hurt you..?" Asked Y/N. I opened my eyes, only to be greeted by Y/N's stomachs and...uh..."regions." My cheeks burned and I started to sweat. Half of me want to help her while the other half of me wanted to...My hands began to wander. They were almost on her butt. Y/N seems to not notice anything.


"HOLY SHIT, JASPER!" Amethyst yells. I was caught in an....awkward spot. My hands practically on her butt and crotch near my mouth. "Hey Amethyst." Y/N says as she walks out like nothing happened. "I swear its not what it looks like!" I said. "Let me guess, she fell?" Said Ruby. "Yes! That was it!" I explained. Sapphire came in behind. "Well, Jasper. That doesn't really explain your hand placement." Said Sapphire. I placed my hands on my lap as my face got darker and darker with blush.

Your P.O.V.
I finally see Jasper come out with the others. Jasper seemed to be embarrassed while Amethyst was explaining something to Pearl. Pearl left out a small laugh. I wonder what they are talking about. Ruby than punched Jasper in the arm complementing how "forward she almost was." Now I really want to know.

After we cleaned up the dumb game. We had some burgers. Ruby and Pearl skipped because they don't like eating that much, while the others ate. I noticed that Sapphire seemed to have challenged Amethyst to see who can eat their burger the fastest. Jasper was eating a lot of burgers. I'm surprised. She never said burgers was her favorite food. Ruby then went being her. "Wow, sure are eating a lot. Do ya eat out of embarrassment?" Jasper straighten her back quickly in the question. "I'll take that as a yes," chuckled Ruby.

Finally, it was time for some sleep. Since I'm a human that needed sleep, they all decided to sleep so I wouldn't miss anything. We all slept on the floor and everyone was sprawled out. The closets people to me was Sapphire and Jasper.

I yawned," you know, you guys can do stuff without me. I don't mind, plus, if I really wanted to be with you guys, I could pull a all nighter." Pearl replies,"That's OK Y/N, you humans need sleep. Besides, it's has been a while since I have slept." Amethyst laughed. "Last time she had a 'nightmare' about some dirt that wouldn't go away, no matter what." Pearl gave her a looked. "Anyways," Pearls says,"let's just go to sleep. Good night." "Good Night." Said everyone else.

I was thinking about was happened in the closet. My checks then turned red when I realized what I said to Jasper. I want to be with Jasper but, I'm afraid. I'm afraid what people will think of her. Many will look down to her and might ruin her future. I don't want that. I never want that for Jasper.

I suddenly feel something wrap around my finger. It was Jaspers big hand. I am not sure if Jasper was awake or not. Then, Jasper started to mumble stuff. I couldn't make it out, so I got closer. Finally, I heard Jasper mumble is a very soft voice,


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