They were even flanked with the boys from cheerleading.

Wow, I think it was the whole senior squad.

‘Nice scar you got there Allison!’ one of the girls shouted at me. ‘How much money did you have to pay the doctor to let other people believe your fake lies? Or you paid him with something else?’

I felt my eyes widen and my jaw drop open wide. Did the bitch just said I was fake and a whore? I felt my chest constrict with so much anger at the moment, feeling my fists curling up tautly but I refrained myself from uncoiling from the seat and strangling that ugly hoe who was sneering at me.

‘Come on Allison, tell us how much money did you pay the judge?’ one of the other girls sneered at me, her face scrunching up so disgustingly that I had to cringe away. ‘I can’t believe you looked satisfied when you see your Dad being held away!’

Don’t Ally, don’t freaking do anything stupid.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm down.

They are just a bunch of single-celled morons who know nothing other than fucking and kissing. I don’t think they even have brains. Or brain capacity, or brain waves. Single-celled have brains? Yeasts or bacteria won’t-

‘I’ll bet big bucks that her Mother wants to send her away to adoption because she got her husband sent away to jail!’

‘Oh that bitch did not say that,’ I muttered under my breath, my eyes flashing in anger and moved towards that tramp so fast that she didn’t even realise that I was in front of her until it was too late. It was a mistake to be standing too near me when I am a fast runner and especially when I am mad.

I caught up with her easily and stood towering in front of her as I glared murderously down at the stupid bitch who dared to anger me. ‘If I hear one more word of false accusations coming from your mouth you little bitch, you’d be wearing fucking dentures for the rest of your fucking miserable life,’ I threatened her darkly.

‘I dare you,’ she hissed at me where I just smirked at her evilly and grabbed her by the lapels of her threadbare clothes, almost hoisting her up by sheer strength. She paled instantly when she felt her feet almost dangling in air and I knew she was panicking inside her mind. I knew she was regretting her words.

I was taller. I was stronger. I had every advantage in this and she knew it. ‘Say one more false rumour about me, I’ll make sure your sorry ass gets kicked out of school,’ I told her softly and shoved her away to address the others who had gone deathly silent. ‘Or maybe I can just ask Mitchell and his gang to pay you lot a fucking visit.’

‘You wouldn’t dare! The Principal will know about-‘

‘Wait what? Are you threatening me? Did I hear you say it right?’ I demanded at the other girl, the first one who started the jeering. ‘And you think the Principal who happened to be my godfather would believe you instead of me? Are you kidding me woman? Look, I don’t want to get into a fight so no more rumours about me. Get the fuck out of here.’

I left them standing there without another word.

I’ve been hearing those shit ass rumours around school and hearing the other students talking crap about me. Other times, Mitchie and Liam had scared them off. Other times, my team had ganged up for me and told them to stay the fuck away. It seemed that it didn’t work and they’re still back.

I don’t even know why they’re doing this. It’s ridiculous and irritating, almost annoying at times. Even though I tried not to let the words get to me but they hurt a lot when they accused me of something that I didn’t even do. I was already counting down to graduation, one month and two weeks left.

Of Pain | COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें