Chapter 3

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The news that we need a new pitcher really spread like wildfire around the school. We were all eating lunch together, the whole softball team squeezed in one bench and we were all laughing, yelling, screaming at each other. We were a crazy bunch of people. I was seated in the middle of the bench with a space in front of me and a piece of paper. It was supposed to let those who wanted to be the new pitcher sign their name on it.

When the rest of the team found out that Mitch was suspended from softball, they all flew into a rage. They started hitting him, crowding at him when we entered the cafeteria. They only stopped when I yelled at them that I didn’t want the rest of the team getting suspended too. So I forced the team to apologize and he too, five minutes later we were acting like nothing ever happened.

I was playing with my food and glancing over at the piece of paper that had around ten people’s names. I hoped at least one of them was a good enough pitcher to let us choose him or her.  I had forced Mitch on the table to announce to everyone that we needed a new pitcher and auditions are up this afternoon.

So far ten only came.

I was staring into space when someone cleared their throat in front of me. I glanced up to see someone I had never seen before standing. I frowned when I look up at him. He was gorgeous, brown messy hair and blue eyes. ‘You are the softball captain?’ he asked me, quirking an eyebrow as he said it.

He looked like he doesn’t believe me. ‘Yeah and you’re here to sign up?’ I asked him back. We were both watching each other closely. He was wearing a black shirt and low-hung jeans which hugs his frame nicely. He was yummy.

‘I’m going to take a look,’ he told me, staring at me before leaning down to grab the pen and scrawl his name on it. He looked up and met my gaze, smiling a little. ‘I want to see how good you all are.’

My eyebrows went up at his sentence. I shrugged at his words. If he wants to see how good we are, then we’ll show him. ‘Sure, auditions start at 1:30 at the field. Don’t be late,’ I told him sternly. He chuckled and nodded, tilting his head a little. His look lingered on my lips for a moment before he left. He was such an arrogant prick.

I rolled my eyes and gathered the piece of paper. His name was Marcus Gordon. So Marcus, let’s see what you got underneath those arrogant shells of yours. Game on kid.

‘Oh god this is embarrassing,’ I muttered under my breath as I watched the new recruits one by one tried to pitch. I purposely let the weakest boy to bat, just to give them some face but so far, it’s not up to our expectations. It’s not even as excellent as Mitch’s pitching. I stood there at the field squinting into the sun as I watched them.

Mitch was already glowering beside me.

The first boy in line named Richard Moss came out looking like he was about to piss in his pants. He was a first-year and he told us that he used to be the pitcher in his last team. I was hopeful since he knew the basics but I think fear ruled his arm and he kept swinging out. He kept fouling.

Mitch was about to strangle the kid when I ordered him to the bench. I jogged over towards the poor shaking boy. I stood in front of him and watched him closely. ‘Kid, you got to calm down. You’re shaking so badly that your aim is off. I know is pressurising but you need to ignore that. Take deep breaths and do what you do best,’ I told him and smacked his head. ‘You ready?’

He gritted his teeth and nodded, taking deep breaths. I watched him nod and then he struck his pose before swinging his arm out, the ball sailed smoothly. I had a huge grin on my face when the empire called a strike. He was chosen as  back up and as the rest of the nine kids auditioned, they were either too scared, don’t even know anything about throwing and just suck so badly.

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