Chapter 14

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‘Allison Griffiths?’

I looked up to see a young boy barely reaching the adolescent stage standing in front of me. He was a little scrawny and had the ravages of acne on his skin but what was interesting about him was that he was holding out a letter towards me. Without wasting any more time, he simply pressed the letter into my hand forcing me to take it.

‘Hey wait!’ I called after him as my hand automatically grasped the letter and watching him scurry away at the same time. He didn’t stop at my call, he just ran even faster away from me, disappearing into the oncoming crowd. I frowned at the area where I had last seen him and looked down at the letter in my hands.

What was going on?

Am I dreaming or did I just receive a letter like how the eighteenth century worked?

My name was written in a somewhat neat handwriting on the front part of the letter but I didn’t recognize the handwriting at all so I doubt it’s from someone I knew. I mean, they can just holler at me or text me. So this is from someone I didn’t know. At all. Frowning to myself and feeling so curious, I decided to tear it open.

I was about to read the first word on it when I felt someone heavy leaning onto me. ‘Hey babe! Oooh a letter! Is that a love letter? Who is it from? I want to see!’ Mitch spoke to me in a rush and tried taking the letter from me at the same time.

‘Hey it’s mine! I don’t know who wrote it but I’m about to read it!’ I exclaimed at him, pulling the letter away from his curious hands. I stuck my tongue out at him. ‘Curiosity always kills the cat Mitchie!’ He rolled his eyes at me and pulled me forwards so he can lean his head on my shoulder to see the letter clearly.

I peeled the back part open with excitement brewing in my heart.

Oh my god this is so exciting!

Hi Angel,

            I’m sorry for asking a kid to send you this letter; I don’t think I’d be able to survive if I personally send you this. Yeah I know you’re going to read this with Mitchell in sight so I’m not going to write any mushy stuff in here in case you decide to blush. But FYI- I love it when you do that.

            See I made you blush didn’t I?

            Anyway, let’s just cut to the chase shall we? Would you be interested in having lunch with me tomorrow-outside by the benches? I would love to talk to you about some certain things that needed to be discussed.

            Sorry for being so cryptic. I’ll be waiting for you.


The Boy With The Blue Eyes.

I could feel the blood rushing towards my cheeks as I clutched onto the letter. The words that Blake had written for me seemed to have that effect. I seemed to forget everything at the moment. ‘Oh my,’ I managed to speak. I scanned the letter again. The word date and tomorrow seemed to repeat again.

A date?

A date with Blake Gordon?

‘Wow, a letter. How romantic,’ Mitch commented with a dead tone.

Then it hit me all at once. I started jumping and waving the letter around, screaming and laughing at the same time. The excitement and the giddiness seemed to attack me all at once. I was sure everyone in the hallway was looking at me like I was mad but I didn’t care. I didn’t care I looked like a prissy girl.

‘Oh my fucking god I can’t believe this! I can’t fucking believe this! Oh my god!’

‘Babe will you calm down? Seriously, it’s just a lunch date! No need to be in hysterics because of this!’

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