Chapter Fourteen - A Show to Remember

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{dark chapter. nsfw. trigger warning for attempted rape.}

You waited outside the theater, looking around for a familiar bowl cut. You were going to go see a new movie with Choromatsu. Of course, you didn't know what it was about, you just wanted to hangout with him.

"(Y/N)-chaan!" someone yelled. You turn and saw Choromatsu speed walking towards you. "Glad I found you before it started, huh?" he said, laughing nervously. His voice sounded different, and you saw a dollop of hair gel where his cowlicks would stand up.

"Hey! Come on, let's go!" you say, grabbing his arm. His face immediately flushed, before he followed you in.


"Ne Ne~ Choromatsu-kun... I wanna see how great your new girlfriend is.."

"Sh-Shut up!" Choromatsu said, struggling against the ropes.

"Why do we have to help, Osomatsu-niisan?" Todomatsu squeaked next to Ichimatsu.

"You're acting like you don't want to get close to her either, you trendsetter and furry." Osomatsu said accusingly.

"Now, time to get ready for your- I mean my date.."

"I'll kill you."


You felt uncomfortable during the whole movie. Choromatsu was so... grabby today. His hand kept on rubbing your thigh, and whenever you looked at him there was an obvious tent down south and his face was beet red. Drool decorated the corner of his mouth, looking at you like a foreign dessert.

It didn't help when the movie took the turn for the worst. A sex scene played onto the theatre screen caused Choromatsu to become even more erratic.

"Ne, (Y/N)-chan... Can you help me with something?" Choromatsu said as the movie ended.

"S-Sure what is it?"

Choromatsu took your hand and led you to an alleyway, dark and murky. Far away from where anyone could hear you.

"Pick up that can." Choromatsu said, pointing down.

Picking it up, you studied the can. "It's beans, what a-HMPF!" you let out a startled yelp as Choromatsu pressed his lips to yours roughly.

He had caught you by surprise, and he took advantage of this. Slipping his tongue inside your mouth, your eyes widened.

You were stunned. You didn't know what to do. You felt tears run down your cheeks, choking a sob from your throat as you weakly tried to resist. 

You whimper as you felt as his mouth latched onto your neck next, leaving deep purple bruises. You wanted him to stop. You wanted all of this to just stop.

Placing a hand over your mouth, Choromatsu took his other hand to go down your pants. You tried to wriggle out of his grasp but failed miserably.

Choromatsu rubbed the outside of the fabric protecting your nether region. Stifling a shocked moan, you felt even more tears stream down.

"Hey.. I'm gonna remove my hand, the only thing I want to hear is m-ACK!"

You watched in horror as a brick collided with Choromatsu's skull, a sickening crack as he fell to the ground.

Looking up with tears in your eyes, your eyes widened. He had his hoodie sleeves cut to be like a shirt, and rope burns on his arms. His hands holding another brick.

Choromatsu stood there, bloodied, and his eyes frenzied with anger.

"Innocence" (Yandere!Choromatsu x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora