Chapter One

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You sat in the shade of a tree, your hand holding your boyfriends, Natsune Elkno, or who you liked to call, Nat.

You rested your head in the crook of his shoulder, his black hair blending into your (H/C) hair.

Glancing up, you notice Nat looking around uneasily, his normally bored and stoic face was twisted into one of uneasiness and weariness.

"Nat? Is something wrong?"

"Of course not, you idiot. Don't worry about it." he says playfully, flicking your forehead which elicited a whimper of pain from you.

You see a girl run up to the two of you, her eyes furious. Nat gets up, and him being your only support, you fall over.

"Natsune!!" she whines grabbing his arm. "Eh? Who's that? Nevermind, the party is going to start soon, I need someone to go with! Please Natsune?" she said, her pretty bleached hair swung in rhythm with a popular song you recently heard.

You slowly stood up, shaking the blades of grass out of your hair. "Nat...sune?" you murmur, your eyes owlish as you watch the male swat the mystery girl off his arm.

"(Y/N) look, I can-"

"Ehh? Who's (Y/N), Natty-kun?"


The blonde girl looked at you, a smug, sly, smirk on her face before going back to an innocent one.

"Natty! You didn't tell her yet?" she said, tugging his jacket.

"Oh. Uh, (Y/N).. we're, uhm.. over?" Natsune said as the girl dragged him away from you.

Oh. Okay.


You rub your puffy eyes and look in the mirror.

God, stop being such a baby.

You grab your bag and iPod and plug in your earphones. Playing your favorite Nyaa-chan song you leave the bathroom and head out to the bookstore to check for new mangas.

Walking to the store, you see something, or more like someone caught your eye.

A cute boy around your age. He had black, bowl cut hair along with a plaid shirt. His round eyes and small pupils rounded as you looked at him.

He waved at you.

You internally slap yourself for realizing how creepy you must have been, staring at a complete stranger.

Looking forward you keep walking forward to the library.

Stepping inside, you make your way into the back and browse for manga.

The door made a clinking sound as someone else entered. Peering around the corner of the bookshelf, your eyes widen, and you stood in shock.

It was him.

You duck behind the shelf and try to find the book. Grabbing the new edition of (F/M), you try to leave.

Try being the correct word for this situation.

You trip over that wheeled booster thing and brace for an impact of the carpeted floor. Clutching the manga to tour chest and your eyes closed tight, you got ready to silence a shicked yelp.

Something suspends you in air.

Looking up and opening your eyes, you feel your face heat up as you lock eyes with the boy from before.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

It lasted only for an instant, because your iPod slipped from your pocket and onto the ground, unplugging from the headphone jack. Thankfully the volume wasn't too loud, but you ducked your head in embarrassment as Nyaa-chan's voice echoed through the shelves.

Quickly picking up the iPod and silencing it, you look at the boy.

" Nyaa-chan?" he said quizzically.

"U-Uhm.. y-yeah, kinda..." you squeak out, trying to force your blush down.

"R-Really? M-M-Me too!" he whispered excitedly, his mouth angling into a triangle-ish smile, yet the sides wavered in slight joy.

"C-Cool!" You suddenly have the most daring thing to ask. Nat dumped you anyways, so why not have a swing at this? "D-Do you want to g-go with me to the n-next Nyaa-Chan c-conce-"

"Would I! I-I uh, mean, s-sure!" the boy says quickly, a pink tint on his face. He was kind of adorable.

You give a soft smile as you rip out a page from a notepad you had in your bag and wrote down your name and phone number.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan? Did I say it right?" he asks, worriedly.

"Yeah, you did."

"O-Oh. I'm Ch-Choromatsu Matsuno.. N-Nice to meet you, (Y-Y/N)!"

"Innocence" (Yandere!Choromatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now