Chapter Eleven - A Bloody Mess

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Choromatsu woke up on your couch, his arms around your sleeping form. He planned it all out, in his dream that is.

Slowly shuffling out of your grasp, he gently fell to the carpeted floor of your apartment, silently thanking the carpeted area, as the rest of the apartment had wooden flooring. 

Leaving your apartment, he checked his phone. He had searched for Natsune's address a while ago and saved it in his phone. He headed home first, to grab supplies.

Quietly closing the door, he headed out. He aggressively spedwalk home, his hands antsy to carry out his plan. Opening the door, he glanced around. Sighing, Choromatsu headed upstairs and into what Osomatsu called, Choromatsu's Fappyspace.

Grabbing a box, he took a surgical mask out along with matching gloves. He also changed his clothes. He'd wear different clothes after he did the deed.

Creeping into the room where his brothers slept, Choromatsu grabbed Karamatsu's sunglasses. Sure, the surgical mask would hide literally 80% of his face, but what about the other 20%? No risk taking.

Choromatsu, dressed in a black hoodie with black sweats, headed downstairs. Grabbing a medium-sized knife, he tucked it into the hoodie pockets. Grinning inwardly, Choromatsu left the house, as quietly as he had entered.

Taking off the gloves for a moment to use his phone, Choromatsu opened where he had the home address saved, before tucking the phone away.

Should I be quick or should I make it painful? I want both, he hurt (Y/N).  Maybe I should cut off his dick. That would show him. What if someones with him? I'll single him out and then flee.

As Choromatsu walked, he noticed a head of blonde hair. It had been following him ever since he had passed your apartment. Turning around he nervously confronted the woman.

"U-Um, I noticed you following me for a bit. D-Did you need something?"

Her blue eyes narrowed in suspicion. "No. You just look weird. You also act weird. That's all." She said simply before turning around and leaving a confused Choro.


Continuing to the house, Choromatsu felt excitement slowly pump through his body. He was ready for this.

Arriving at the house, Choromatsu gave a hesitant knock.

Natsune answered.

"Uhhhh are you the pizza guy? Where's the pizza?" He said, looking at Choromatsu, not recognizing him. He was dressed up in pajamas, grey sweats with a (F/C) sweater you had given him as an anniversary present.

Choromatsu didn't speak, but instead pushed him inside, closing the door behind him.

"Wh-What the hell, man!" Natsune stuttered out.

Taking advantage of his shock, the Matsuno swiftly pulled out the knife, before lodging it into the males arm, causing a groan of pain from him

"The fucks wrong with you?!" he screeched as he struggled against the shorter, yet angry matsu.

"Die." Choromatsu murmured, before withdrawing the knife only to plunge it into his stomach, churning it and rotating it ever so slowly.

Agony was obvious in Natsunes scream, tears pricking his eyes as he screamed for a help that would never come.

Choromatsu again withdrew the knife, and again plunging it back into the bloody man, this time in his chest cavity. Carving out a bloody hole. Blood had splattered everywhere, though it only belonged to one person.

Natsune had stopped moving, stopped breathing. His pulse lay flat and lifeless.

But Choromatsu hadn't.

Ever so slowly, but quick to accelerate, Choromatsu began stabbing at random at the dead body, a low chuckle escaping his masked lips.

"Die. Die. Die." he repeated, as he filled the body with holes.

At last, Choromatsu slowed, leaving the knife inside Natsune's head.

A wicked smile, hidden by the mask was on Choromatsu's face. Standing up, he looked at himself. Blood covered the upper half of his body, along with his thighs.

Choromatsu looked around the house and wandered around. He eventually found Natsune's bedroom.

Walking inside, his eyes widened, His drawer, desk, hell, almost every flat surface had  a picture frame.

It was you and Natsune at various places, in various poses. Each picture had a small label, which only had a date on it. One of them being your birthday, Natsune happily hugging you from behind with a cone-shaped party hat on.

Walking to the closet, Choromatsu examined the clothing.

Stylish. He thought.

Realizing he was still bloody and in a dead persons home, Choromatsu quickly left, but not before deciding to grab some jeans and a (F/C) longsleeve with a grey unzipped hoodie.

Leaving through the backyard, Choromatsu sped walk home, satisfied with what he had done. Guilt? Remorse? Mercy? Haha, no. 

Entering his home, but not before removing his bloodstained gloves, Choromatsu stepped inside and promptly cleaned himself and dressed in the clothing he stole. Looking in the mirror, he immediately thought;

I look really fucking weird, don't I?

"Innocence" (Yandere!Choromatsu x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя