Chapter Seven - Fraternal

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Why NOW of all times does he decide to visit?

Boy, he was going to tease the hell out of you.


Choromatsu decided to visit you and possibly head to the Owl cafe with you. Putting on a white tee with a green open zipper jacket, he headed out.

Coming to your door, he was about to knock.

"Oh my god, Kotoro! Leave!"


"Ugh, just, why now of all times?"

"I wanted to see my clone of course!"

Kotoro? What's going on...

Choromatsu hesitantly knocked, you answered in a heartbeat.

"H-Hello? Oh, hi Choromatsu!"

"Oooooo! (Y/N) has a boyyyyyfrieeend!" Kotoro cooed, trying to look out.

"Sh-Shut you face!" you whine.

"U-Um (Y/N)? May I cone in?"

You sigh and let him in. Choromatsu looks at the (H/C) haired male. He had a cat like smirk on his face, and had a black jacket with stars on the sleeves.

"So you're Choromatsu, huh?" he said, squatting to Choromatsu's height.

"Did you fuck my sister yet?" he bluntly asked.

"Oh my god!" you yelled, shoving Kotoro.

Choromatsu's face was lit with surprise.

He's basically Osomatsu!

Sighing, you grabbed your bag. "I'm heading to work."

"O-Oh about work, (Y/N)! U-Um" you cut Choromatsu off.

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot about your interview. Come on, Choro." you beckoned. "Don't trash my house Kotoro!" you call, slamming the door shut.


Ask her.
No way!
She might think I'm weird!
Well you did jack off to her.
Shut up!

"Sorry about earlier." you say, breaking Choromatsu's train of thought.

"Who was he?" Choromatsu asks. "I-If you don't mind me asking that is."

"Brother. To be specific, my twin." you say.

"Twin?" Choromatsu replied, his eyes alight with surprise.

"Mhm. Fraternal, obviously."

"Who's older?"

"Him." you say, rolling your eyes. "He has shit for brains, though."

Choromatsu laughed. "He reminds me of Osomatsu."

"Osomatsu? He's the oldest right?" you reply.

"Yeah, and the shittiest." he comments, a smile on his face.

You both break into small giggles.

"Haaah... Oh, we're here. Follow me." you say, taking his hand causing him to blush.

Leading him inside, you clock in and head to your manager.

"Mr. Monx?" you say hesitantly.

"Come in, (Y/N)." a deep voice replied.

You head inside with Choromatsu.

"You're early. And who's this?"

"Matsuno Choromatsu. He's a friend and wants to be interviewed in hopes of being hired."

Mr. Monx carefully studied Choromatsu's sweatt face. "Well I know for a fact anyone friends with Miss (Y/N) is bound to be a good person... Alright, I'll give him a chance."

You bow and leave the room, glancing at Choromatsu. "Good luck."


As you finish serving the last table of your shift, you hear a door open. Choromatsu runs out, his wavy triangle smile beamed with joy as he jumped. "Yes! Yes, I got the job!" he squealed.

"You did? Good job, Choro!" you say, hugging him and stopping him in his tracks.

"(Y/N)," Mr. Monx said, "You'll be training him. He's not a waiter, but he's just going to be cleaning up for now."

"Yes sir!"

"Dismissed for today.." He says before walking back to his office.


"Hey, Choromatsu?"


"I wanna meet your brothers."

Shit.. I was hoping to keep them away for as long as I could.. I can't say no, though, she got me a job!

"Uh Choromatsu? Did you hear me?"

"O-Oh! Sure! L-Let's go!" he says, leading the way.

Getting out his phone he texts Todomatsu.

>Clean the house, and be on good behavior. (Y/N)'s coming over.



The brothers screeched as they rushed around and began to clean every spot in the house. Even Jyushimatsu dusted off the area if his porn stash.

Once you could practically see yourself in the shininess of the wall, the five waited by the door, fighting down a red cherry blush.

They were ready.

"Innocence" (Yandere!Choromatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now