Chapter 7 Kong

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"There she is." Hank said proudly referring to....a boat? It was a broken plane really but I managed to put a smile. This will do.

"Well that's lovely." James retorted.

Hank went on the boat showing us around. "Damn right. I've spent six years of my life building this thing. It's called the Grey Fox."

"It looks like it's made of tetanus." The scientist, Mr. Know-it-all scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"Well-" I intervene "it's nothing a couple extra hands can't fix." I handed over some of the tools to James. "Captain?"

He smiles nodding at Hank.


Music blasted out of the speakers whilst the boys were working on Grey Fox. Mason and I were taking pictures of the village and the people in it.

They had still faces wondering what the hell we're Mason and I doing. So we taught one of them to take pictures too. Soon everyone in the village became crowding us and taking pictures as well. We even taught them to do a peace sign for one picture. I laughed whilst taking the photo.

"Anyone thirsty?" I handed the boys water. They all were sweaty from working on the boat.

"Thanks." James took one and drank it all in one gulp.

"You must be tired Captain. Mind if I help?"

"By all means."

I began lifting equipment, heavy equipment not knowing what else to do since I wasn't a mechanic. I was struggling but tried not to show it. I wanted to help and not look like a damsel ever since I got here. My ankle began hurting again and I almost fell overboard.

"Here let me help you-"

"No it's fine-Ah!" I let go of the equipment not able to carry it much longer. I breathed a sigh of relief because it was where it supposed to be. But my eyes widen hearing a string snap. My hands went directly to my neck searching for my mother's engagement ring.

"Got it." James held the ring. He seemed a little distraught looking at it. "Here-" He was about to give it back to me but I stopped him.

"No no-" I gave it back putting it on his large hand cupping it. Our hands were touching and we looked at each other laughing it off. "You hold on on to it for a while. For safe keeping."

"Then you hold on to this." He gave me a match. It was old definitely by the looks of it. "For safe keeping." He mimicked.

Then I heard a sound. Not the boat's engine but an animal. James obviously didn't hear it since he was just smiling sheepishly. "I must go. A job is a job." I lied grabbing my crutches.

He grabbed my arm gently before I left telling "Be careful."

"Always." I smiled.

Before I went out of the village boarder I hesitated. It was surprising that  o one saw me since I was just there staring into the wild for about ten minutes. My hand went up to my neck to grip my mother's engagement ring for courage but remembered I gave it to James temporarily.

So I went and instead, I gripped James' lighter inside my pocket.

The animal noise grew louder and louder. From the load moaning of it, it was in pain. I walked faster (with my wooden crutches which was hard) when I saw the water buffalo from earlier on the ground trapped by the remains of a helicopter.

"Hey now." I touched the buffalo. "It's okay." I dropped one crutch so that I could push the tail of the helicopter out.

I grunted as I pushed. With one hand gripping on my crutch for support and the other pushing. "Try to...move." I panted at the large creature.

Finally the helicopter began to move. But it wasn't by the water buffalo as I hoped.....It was Kong.

My breath hitched as the ling of this unusual land stared at me with no emotion in his ape eyes. The buffalo walked away leaving me alone with Kong. So I surrendered. Putting both of my hands up and bowing kneeling down to Kong. I looked up shaking to see him walking away. I fell in relief.

Maybe Kong is not that bad after all.

My Captain (Kong: Skull Island Captain James Conrad Fanfic) ✔️CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now