Chapter 6 Hank Marlow

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All seven of us were breathing heavily with our backs facing each other forming a protective circle.

"Stay back!" James shouted.

The people who were covered in camouflage started coming closer, their  spears pointing at us.

I was beyond petrified.

"Woah whoah woah STOP." A man in clothes similar to the modern world pushed through. This only came to one conclusion. He's stuck here too. But one question still lingers my mind. For how long?


I got my answer. Twenty-eight longs years. His name was Hank Marlow, an American soldier who literally fell from the sky fighting for WWII.

He was currently leading us to 'his home'. Upon entering we had to go through a massive bamboo wall.

"Was that supposed to keep out that...ape?" I asked.

"Nah he's not the one they're trying to keep out." Hank answered.

Mason and I look at each other in confusion whilst Hank went inside.

It was a village, a very simple one at that. Straw made houses, adults at work and children playing around stooped and looked at us. We were looking at them in awe too.

Hank began telling us about the village and the peacefulness of it. I however, had dozed us taking pictures from my beaten camera.

"I still can't believe that survived the fall."

"Me neither." I smile at Slivko. Secretly, I wanted it to be Jame's who was talking to he but he was too caught up with Hank.

"I was about to get one...before I got drafted I mean." He continued.

I felt a pang on my chest. Damn the war. So I handed him the camera "Here, borrow it. Just be careful."

Slivko just nodded eagerly taking it with a happy "Thank you."out of his lips. He began taking pictures. But not of the village, me.

I shielded my face shy of the camera preferring to be behind it instead and in the corner of my eye I saw James turning back multiple times looking at us.

Two elders came up to us. They were the only ones who had a different color on their body and guards so I presumed they were the chiefs. They bowed at us and Hank bowed back thanking them.

After they left Hank gave us nod "Great news! They said we can stay."

"I didn't hear them say anything." James said.

"If you've been here for as long as I have you'll start to understand you'll see."

"Wait we can't stay here," Mason protested "I have a life, we all have lives."

"Well now is not the right time." James put his hand on her shoulder.

Hank sighed then signaled us to follow him. We ended up in a wrecked ship called the Wanderer.

"As far as I can tell this ship washed up here ten years before I did. This is sacred ground to the Iwis so if you like your hands don't touch anything." Hank led us in.

"The Iwis? as in the people living here?" James asked.

I passed by him to look at the sacred wreck not before saying "I think you've answered your own question Captain."

Plants had grown on the floor and fire torches were lit up leading a path to stone painting.

"Thousands of years ago Iwis lived in fear. It's a hell of a long time to be scared." A stone painting of people throwing torches at a dinosaur like creature spotted my eye. "Then one day the damnest thing happen. The one there were afraid of started to protect them from the ones who were eating them. But only one protecter survived."

We all looked at the biggest painting here. People bowing down to a ape. "That's Kong." Hank finished.

"You don't come into someone's home and dropping bombs just to pick a fight." Hank pushed. I knew dropping those bombs would cause harm.

Hank continued starting to talk about their friend and the creature who ate him. "The devils live below us."

"A-and what are they called?" Slivko gulped.

"The Iwis won't speak their name...but I call them Skull Crawlers." Hank whispered.

I, being me laughed. Now the group was looking at me so I hid it with a cough bit ended up laughing more.

Hank looked at me annoyed "Look I just made that name up. I'm just trying to scare ya."

"No-I-" I weezed clutching my stomach "-I'm fine calling them that. Are you?" I asked James.

"Yeah I'm good calling them that-great name." A tiny smile formed on his lips.

"I've never said that name out loud before now it sounds stupid. You can call them whatever you like. The Big Lizard things-" I finally composed myself "-They live deep down and that's why Kong got so mad. You my friends who are more beautiful than a hotdog and beer just woke them up. And we definitely don't want the big one up." Hank explained.

Now that got me worried. Correction: got us all worried. "Listen there's a refueling team coming at the north end of the island in three days." James said.

"You should come with us." I interfered.

He then laughed...hard. I was glad that he was happy to come but he wasn't laughing because of that. He was laughing and patting James' cheek harder each time saying "We can't get in the north end of the island in three days. It's impossible."

My Captain (Kong: Skull Island Captain James Conrad Fanfic) ✔️CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now