Chapter 1 One Night of Flirtation Wouldn't Hurt Right?

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"Dammit" I cursed as the rain poured down on me and my camera. I ran on the streets in Vietnam looking for shelter, and I did. But the time that I stepped in I immediately regretted it. I, Eden Weaver am in a strip club. I turned back ready to leave but was greeted with two strong arms holding me back. He was a Vietnamese man probably in his mid-30s looking at me like I was fresh meat. I slapped his nasty hands away "Excuse you." I glare walking away. this made him angry are making him put his arms on my wrists gripping them tightly. I squeaked in pain until someone tapped him on the shoulder but before he could look he was punched in the jaw knocking him out in the process.

I looked into my saviors blue eyes and saw the most attractive male specimen I've ever laid my eyes on. "Th-thank you sir." I stutter.

He looked at me with worry asking "Are you alight miss?"

"Yes, I'm fine now Mr?" I asked.

"James, James Conrad." He smiled.

"Well mister James Conrad, let me buy you a drink." before he could protest I said "I insist." I know I should've focus on more important things like my failing career of a photographer but I couldn't help it. One night of flirtation wouldn't hurt right?


Now here we are 10 minutes later munching on chips and drinking beer. We were laughing having a good time until I realized that I didn't introduce myself properly yet.

"You know James I just realize that I haven't introduced myself properly yet."

He smirked while saying "Eden Weaver; 25, anti-war photojournalist and trespasser."

Have a met him before?

He laughed at my confused face before explaining "I was the-um captain if the British navy ship you trespassed in for your anti-war photos."

Right there in front of him my face was like a tomato. I covered my cheeks with my hands to try to cover but he just laughed and got them off. Ugh I'm having a school girl crush.

"I'm so so so not sorry about that captain." I smirked.

He took a big gulp of his beer "Ex-captain, I decommissioned."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion to why he was still here then. "You know Captain. Men who couldn't leave the war are looking for something. What are you looking for James?"

"I've been asking myself that for quite sometime now Weaver.


"Yes!"I praised for the 5th time upon entering this game. Two Vietnamese men had invited us (Me and James) to play pool by pair. So far we were the pair winning.

"Let me help you with that." James said positioning himself behind me and his arms on mine fixing my posture holding on to the stick. That cheeky British basta-

"You okay love?" He whispered close to my ear. I faced him and noticed that we were literally three inches apart.

Well two can play at that game.

"Actually Captain," I got closer that we could feel each other breaths. Without even looking I had shot the last ball down the hole. "I'm perfectly doing this by myself." I walked away smiling at our win.

He shook his head grinning amused by my little stunt and was about to get our bet money until a pair of mad Vietnamese hands stopped him.

I saw a knife and was about to shout for James to look out but before I could he had the two men on the ground gushing blood. I covered my mouth in shock.

"Captain James Conrad! Commander of the sky-commander of the sea." We both looked at the fat man in the suit who called for him.

We (James, that man in the suit named Randa, another man in glasses named Houston and I) sat in a booth. I was about to slide out to not interrupt their business but James pulled my arm and made me sit next to him.

"You want me to lead your men into an uncharted island? Let me list the ways you're gonna die; rain, heat, disease carrying flies, and we haven't started on the things that would want to eat you alive." James folded his hands scoffing.

Randa then put huge wads of cash on the table. James argued for more, which he got. Five times more to be exact.

"One more condition." James unfolded his hands as Randa rolled his eyes annoyed "What?"

"In this expedition you'll need a professional photographer to capture it right? Well Eden here is a very talented photographer here." He patted my shoulder.

Greed and emotions kept me at bay from protesting. I needed the money. I was broke photographer living in my friend's couch.

Houston said hesitantly scared of James and the scene here"We already have a photogra-"

"-Deal." Randa huffed. "We leave tomorrow night." He then left with Houston. Houston said goodbye while Randa just walked out like an asshole he is. I didn't like his vibe and something's telling me that I wont like his objectives for the island we were about to venture too.

My Captain (Kong: Skull Island Captain James Conrad Fanfic) ✔️CompletedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum