The Funeral

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*Spencer's POV
*Ten Days Later- Tuesday, 11:30 a.m.

The casket was lowered bit by bit. Everyone staring at it in silence. No one really knew what to say. The preacher was giving them their final blessing in hopes of entering the afterlife.

When the casket was in the ground, Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, and I got a shovel and started shoveling dirt onto the casket. Again, no one said anything.

"Reid," Morgan said. I ignored him as I continued shoveling dirt onto the dark oak casket.

"You don't have to do this. We got this," Morgan states. I know they're looking at me, seeing how I act, profiling me.

"Yes, I do," I say, pausing to look up at them, I then continue to shovel the dirt onto the casket, "I have to make sure that this monster never comes back to hurt other people."

They don't respond to what I say, but they continue shoveling as well. By the time we finish it's twelve o'clock.  A brother of Jack's that we found in Arizona, unwraps the grave stone. He mumbles something incoherently and takes a swing at his bottle of whiskey. Besides, Walter (Jack's brother), he had no other family. 

Walter places the grave stone in its place. The grave stone reads "R.I.P. Jack Kellerman." Walter huffs and just stands in front of the burial site. He takes another swing of his whiskey bottle and raises it, as if he's making a toast, "Here's to you brother." He then takes the bottle and throws the remainder of it onto the burial site.

Hotch runs up to him, snatching the bottle away from Walter's hand, "Sir, you can't do that."

Walter turns to Hotch and responds, "He liked whiskey. My brother was a bastard and it was wrong what he did to those people, but he was my brother and I never got the chance to have one last drink with him." Walter snatches the bottle of whiskey from Hotch's hand and walks away.

Hotch comes back to us, "Let's go to the airport."

As they start walking towards the car, I stop, "I'll catch up to you guys."

Hotch stops and responds, "Hurry, we leave in thirty."

I call a taxi and make my way to Jessica's apartment. There's some things I need to say.

*At Jessica's Apartment
*Jessica's POV

As much as I love living here, I need to leave. After everything that's happened these last few weeks, I need a change of scenery. I'm moving to New York, I have a cousin over there that's offered me a place to stay. I still have nightmares of the kidnapping and everything and my therapist suggested a change of scenery. "When you're ready to come back," she says, "Come back. I know great therapists in the east coast that I can refer you to."

I also decided to go back to school  and get a degree in Law Enforcement. After what happened to me, I want to prevent criminals from doing this to other people.

As I'm putting the boxes near the door, the doorbell rings. Must be the movers, I think.

When I open the door, I see a hyper-ventilating Spencer Reid.

"Spencer," I say surprised.

He nods and points to himself, " you......also.....need water."

"Sure, come in," I lead him into my apartment and get him a bottle of water. He chugs it down and sighs, "I need to work out."

"Where did you come from? You look like you were running for miles and-" I give him a once-over, "Are you wearing a suit? Why would you go on a work-out-"

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