The Saving

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I felt like it was happening in slow motion. All I saw was blood coming out of his head and a blinding light coming from the outside. I had to squint to see it was the F.B.I. I wanted to react to their presence, but I couldn't. I was tired and all I could think about was one thing. One person to be exact. That one person gave me the strength to run past the F.B.I., but they caught my arm and pulled me back.

"Reid, " Hotch held me back.

"I need to see her," I replied, trying my best to break free from his grasp on my arm.

"I can't let you do that and you know that. It's protocol, you need to go to the medic, that's what you need to do-"

"Screw protocol! I want to see her make sure she's alright-"

"And you will, just go over to the medic," Hotch pointed the medic out, "There's blood on your face"

"I'm not sure it's my blood, " I wiped the side of my face with the sleeve of my collard shirt. 

Hotch still held onto my arm and was looking at me intently, "What's wrong, Spencer?"

I looked back at him, "I failed."


"I failed,  Hotch! This has happened to me not once, but twice! I can't protect myself, let alone another human being! I'm not doing my job!"

"Reid, you are. Every day you prove to the people who told you you couldn't do it wrong-"

"Sitting behind a desk, holding a walkie-talkie and telling you guys were the bad guys are isn't just part of the job, Hotch, and you know that. I'm a coward!"

"You've done so much more than that and you know that. You've interrogated hundreds of criminals, you've talk down some people from doing things they'd regret, you've been locked in the same room with a killer, and you've been shot multiple times! And you just survived not your first, but your second time being kidnapped. You are not a coward, Reid. You are one of the bravest people I know."

He let go of my arm and walked away. I was left standing there, thinking about what he said. Was I brave? 

"Spencer!", I turn around just in time to find JJ running towards me, "Thank goodness! Are you okay?"

I hug her back and smile, "Why do people ask that when they know they're probably not?"

She punches my arm, "Seriously, though"

"I will be. I just have to see Jessica first." 

JJ adds, "I talked to her Spence, well I kind of did."

I looked at JJ intently, "What did she say?"

"I told her who I was and I asked her if she could answer a couple of questions," JJ paused.

"What happened JJ?"

"She uh-she started going ballistic. Calling out your name-"

"I need to go." I turn around and start walking towards a squad car.

"Wait, Spencer there's something else!" JJ calls out.


JJ walks towards me, an expression on her face that I couldn't read, "Spencer, Jessica has amnesia. She doesn't remember what happened to her. She doesn't even remember who she is."

Author's Note: Damn Daniel! What just happened?! Comment and vote! Tell me what you think! 

Until Next Time.......;D

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