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Spencer's POV

The darkness in the room started to consume me, which made my panic level start to rise. Breath, Spencer. I keep telling myself. Breath in, then out.

The door started unlocking, I can hear the keys rattling next to each other as the kidnapper unlocked the door.

"Get up" the unsub spat. I still can't see his face, since it's covered by a ski mask. I do as told and he gestures for me to leave the room.

"I'm moving you to a cell" the unsub says.

My voice cracks, "Is there light in the cell?"

The unsub doesn't answer me. When we get to the cell, I noticed that theirs two lightbulbs hanging from the cealing. I feel a little relieved, until the unsub pushes me into the cell.

"Ow!" I say, rubbing the back of my head.

"You okay?" a voice startles me. It's a girl voice. I turn around to see Jessica Guzman sitting in the corner. Her hair looks like the picture we have of her in the file, wavy but kind of messy. Her face looks the same, except for the fact that her brown eyes look bloodshot and puffy from crying and she looks really tired.

I tense up when she asks me if I'm okay. I'm more socially awkward around girls, even right now when we're in a life-or-death situation. It took me a while to be non-awkward around Emily, JJ, Garcia, and Elle.

Jessica raises an eyebrow, "Hello?"

I look at her, "Hm?"

"I asked if you were okay" she says.

I nod my head, "I-I'm f-fine"

"Okayyyy" she stretches the -ay sound and looks around the room, searching for I don't know what.

It's quiet for a few seconds until she says, "I'm Jessica, by the way"

She holds out her hand for me to shake, but I shake my head, "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss"

She blushes and drops her hand. I then realize what I said and my face also turns red from embarrassment, "Oh gosh, sorry". She chuckles a little, "It's okay"

I put my face in my hand, "I tend to get really awkward and nervous when I talk to girls, especially when I talk to really pretty girls like you"

She blushes again. "I'm Spencer", I finally say.

Jessica nods, "So, are we going to kiss or....?"

I look at her and stutter, ""

"I was just kidding" she says. "Right", I respond looking down.

We both frown when we remember our current situation. She speaks up, "We need to distract ourselves from our current...predicament. So, um, how old are you?"

"I'm thirty" I respond, "What about you?"

"Twenty-seven. What do you do for a living?" she asks.

I scoot closer to her so that the unsub doesn't hear me, "I should've told you this in the beginning. I'm an F.B.I. agent, more specifically, in the behavior analysis unit." I then show her my badge.

"You're an F.B.I. agent?" she looks at me wide eyed.

I nod my head, "Well, technically I go by doctor. I have PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering and I have three B.A.s in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy. I also have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read twenty thousand words per minute."

"And you're 30?" she asks.

"Yes, I graduated from Las Vegas High School at twelve years old" I casually respond.

She sighs, "If you're a genius, how the hell did you get kidnapped?"

"I was looking around one of the victim's apartment when I found a business card to an old warehouse, I figured that it belonged to the unsub so, I called a colleague of mine, Agent Morgan. While I was leaving him a message, the unsub hit me in the back of the head, knocking me out. Next thing I know, I wake up in a dark room", I explain.

"What victim? This guy has done this before! What's an unsub?" Jessica starts to panic.

"An unsub is an unknown subject" I respond, I ignore her question about the victim, I don't want her to deal with the news that she lost a friend and that this guy has been stalking her and killing any guy that comes close to her.

"Tell me. Who was the victim?", she says.

I respond, "Do you know someone named Daniel Foster?"

She's taken aback, "Yeah. We went on one date, but we both thought that it'd be better if we stayed friends. Why? What's wrong with Daniel?"

"Jessica," I pause, "The day after your date with Daniel, Daniel was kidnapped. A week later, he was found stabbed to death in the American River"

"Oh my-," she looks as if she's about to cry, but she quickly composes herself, "Has there been any other victims?"

"Jessica, I don't think-" I start.

"Tell me, Spencer" Jessica says.

"Yes. The other victim was a cashier at the grocery store you go to, one time he even attended you. His name was Greg Davis. He was kidnapped the day after he attended you and was found a week later stabbed to death in the American River" I say.

"So, this guy, he's going to kill us?" she starts letting tears fall out. I don't know what to do when a girl starts crying. So I awkwardly rub her shoulder.

"I don't think he's going to kill you-" I begin.

"What about you?" she turns to look at me.

I respond, "I was getting too close in finding out who this guy is and where you were. So, I think...". I don't want to say it.

"Spencer?" she questions.

"I think I have a week to live, before my time runs out"

Author's Note: The suspense! Comment and vote! Until Next Time....

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