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Spencer's POV

I walked into Daniel's building with my badge at hand. I walk up to the front desk and ask to see the manager. The receptionist holds a finger up, "One second", she answers the ringing phone, "T Street Apartments and Condos, how may I help you?"

She types something on the computer and nods her head, "We have ten apartments left and twenty condos left....Okay, no problem....Glad I can help, goodbye"

She turns to me, "How can I help you sir?"

I show her my badge and she straintens her posture, "I'd like to speak with your manager, please"

She calls the manager, "Kenny. There's an F.B.I agent here. He wants to talk to you"

A door opens and the manager walks out, "You here for the" he looks around and whispers, "The murder and kidnapping in room 4B?"

I nod and he leads me to the room. When we get on the elevator I ask him a couple of questions, "Daniel, the tenant in room 4B, was he a good tenant?"

He thinks for a while, "Yeah. He always paid his rent on time, never received a complaint from his neighbors, he was a quiet kid."

"Who reported him missing?" He asks.

"His brother, Michael, apparently they were supposed to meet at a bar, but he never showed up. He came her and saw that his apartment door was open and that his brother was missing"

We land on the fourth floor and go to the room. The manager takes out his key and opens the apartment. As the manager leaves, he says, "If you need anything, call the front desk. And can we keep this on the down low? I don't want to scare the neighbors."

He leaves before I can give him an answer. I put on latex gloves and get to work.

It looks like their was a struggle between the ubsub and Daniel: the coffee table is broken, the coat hanger is on the floor, etc. I walk into Daniel's room, but when I reach for the handle, it doesn't open. Did the police not investigate his room? I put my hand on the top of the door frame, to see if I feel a key.

When I do, I open the door. Who locks their own door? Was it Daniel or the unsub?

I unlock the door and my mouth involuntarily opens. There's a can of red liquid (which I'm guessing is not paint) and a paint brush on the desk. On the wall, a message is written in the red liquid, it says "He didn't deserve her". I look around to see if I can find anything the unsub might've left.

I find an old warehouse business card on the floor, some of the red liquid (blood) was on the card. I think I know where Jessica is.

I take out my phone and take a picture of it. Then I walk into the kitchen to see if I can find any Ziploc bags. Once I do, I put the business card in the bag. I dial Morgan's number and wait for him to pick up, but he doesn't so I leave him a message, "Hey Morgan, it's Reid. I think I found something in Daniel's apartment. It's a-"

I feel something hit the back of my head, I fall to the ground, dropping my phone. I then hear someone speak, but I can't see their face because everything looks blurry, "You'll never be able to stop me"

I don't respond because suddenly I black-out.

*Later in the abandoned warehouse*

I woke up with a huge pain in the back of my head. My left hand flies to the back of my head, I wince at the movement.

Where am I? I then remember what happened before I blacked out and what the stranger said, "You'll never be able to catch me."

Oh no.

I've been kidnapped by the unsub.

Author's Note: Hope you guys liked the chapter! Comment and vote! Until next time....

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