The Window

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Jessica's POV

Did he say he was taking me to dinner?

In public?

Where there's witnesses?

This was an opportunity I couldn't miss. Spencer told me earlier that if either of us had the opportunity to escape, we had to make a run for it and contact the authorities, I agreed.

I come up with a plan. I'll play nice and lovey dovey during the dinner, then I'll ask to use the restroom. I hope there's a somebody in the restroom, that way I can ask to borrow their cell phone and call the police.

The drive there is quiet until I ask, "So, I still don't know your name"

He takes his eyes off the road for one second to smile at me, "My name's Jack"

I give him a fake smile, "Jack. I like that name"

The car stops and I look outside. A sign is lit up with the words Welcome to Citrus Heights! in bright neon colors.

Citrus Heights?! That's about half-an-hour away from Sacramento.

"Jessica?" Jack snaps me out of my trance.

"Hm?" I turn to look at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine" I say.

He take my handcuffs off, "Now, Jessica, I'm taking these off because I trust that you're not going to make a scene in there"

"I won't" I assure him.

"Great!" he grabs my hand and leads me towards the restaurant.

The restaurant is actually a pizzeria. It smelled amazing, I was super hungry. I guess I haven't eaten in a while.

The waitress sat us down in a booth, "Hi y'all! Welcome to Giovanni's Pizzeria! I'm your waitress, Susan. Would you like to order any drinks?"

What I wanted to do was yell, Help me, I've been kidnapped by a psychopath who's creepily in love with me!

But all I said was, "I'll have a Coke"

"I'll just have some water" Jack says, "We're ready to order. We'll have a large pepperoni pizza with breadsticks and barbecue wings"

He looks at me for approval, I immediately nod. Pizza, wings, and breadsticks sounds really good right now.

Focus Jessica!

The waitress smiles, "Alrighty, I'll be back with the wings, breadsticks, and drinks. The pizza will be ready in about half-an-hour"

When she walks away, Jack grabs my hand. I mentally cringe.

"I brought you out here so that we could get to know each other better."

"Okay" was all I said.

He lowers his voice, "Just so you know, everything I've done, is for us, so that we can be happy."

I want to slap him, he has killed and kidnapped people, but all I did was give him a fake grin, "Of course, I get it."

He looks as if he's going to explode in happiness, he exhales and grabs my hand, "I'm so glad you think that way, darling"

I mentally cringe, luckily our food and drinks arrive. While taking a bite of my pizza, (which is super delicious by the way), Jack laughs. "What's so funny?", I ask.

He grabs a barbecue wing, "Oh, it's just that Dr. Reid told me something so stupid earlier today."

I gulp, "What did he say?"

"He says that you're afraid of me, after what I've done."

I don't say anything. He then adds, "Well, he won't be a problem anymore"

I stop eating and look at him, "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that you won't see Dr. Reid anymore after tomorrow," he takes a bite of his breadsticks, "My goodness! These are amazing! Have you had one yet?"

I grab a breadstick and eat it, though after what he told me, I've lost my appetite, "May I be excused? I need to use the restroom."

He stops eating and looks at me, after a while he says, "Yes, but remember, don't do anything stupid"

"Of course, sweetheart", I smile, walk over to him, and kiss his cheek, just to make sure that he believes me.

When I know that he can't hear me anymore I say, "Bastard"

I enter the bathroom and pray that there's someone in there who can let me borrow their phone. I knock on the stalls, "Hello? Is someone in here?"

Nothing. "Damn," I curse.

That's when I notice it. A window.

It's not very big, but I think I can squeeze through. "Honey? You in there?" Jack knocks on the door.

"Yeah, just a minute. I'll be out in a few", I say. I hear footsteps walking away. I exhale and walk up to the window. I search around the edges to look for a hatch, (A/N: I think that's what a window opener is called. If not, my apologies), I smile when I find it.

The window is hard to open, but finally, it does. "Here goes nothing," I climb my way out of the restroom and fall on top of the pavement. "Ow", I wince. I stand up and start running. I don't know where I'm going, all I know is that I have to run away from Jack. The faster I get to a police station, the faster Spencer gets out of harms way.

I ran for probay half-an-hour when suddenly, I see a bright light and I hear a piercing sound. A horn. A car horn blaring. Telling me to get out of the way.

But it was too late, I then feel the collision and I black-out.

Author's Note: Cliffhanger! What's going to happen to Jessica? What's going to happen to Spencer? Until Next Time.......

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