The Video

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Jessica Guzman's POV

"Hey!", I pound on the cell door as hard as I can, ignoring the pain that I start to feel in the palms of my hands, "Let us out of here you sick bastard!"

A few minutes ago, I was sobbing uncontrollably, thinking about Daniel and thinking about what this guy would do to Spencer and me. I have only known Spencer for a short time, but I have grown fond of him.

However, crying wasn't going to help get me and Spencer out of here. I had to compose myself and start thinking of ways to get out of here. Annoying the "unsub", as Spencer calls him, might be a good idea.

I keep pounding the door for a few minutes until eventually I give up, so plan A didn't work. I still have twenty-five letters left.

Spencer is just sitting in the corner, staring at something on the floor.

"What are you looking at?", I ask him. He looks at me, "Hm? Oh, I was just reading a book."

I raise my eyebrows, "A book? How?"

He points to his head, "I have an eidetic memory, everything I've ever read is stored in here"

A small smile makes it's way up to my face, "What book are you reading?"

But before he can answer, a bright light appears. It was pointed to the wall, then an image appeared. I turned around to find a projector pointing towards the wall.

A slideshow started playing. It started showing pictures of me, working at Starbucks, reading books in the library, getting into my car after going to Zumba, my entire year in pictures. While the pictures were showing, their was a voice-over.

The voice says, in a deep and dark tone, "For the past five months, I've watched you, Jessica. Jessica. What a beautiful name", a chill runs down my spine, "You know, I don't think you remember the first day we met, or really, the first day we bumped into each other. It was the 7th of March, it was at the grocery store, you were wearing a flower print dress and you had your hair up with a white head-band. You asked me if I was in the check-out line. I shook my head and you smiled at me. I knew from that moment on, we were meant to be together. So, I started following you."

I yelled, "You sicko!-"

"But, two months ago, I saw you speaking to Greg, even laughing at one of his flirty comments. He was a threat, but now that's taken care of. And then you really dissapointed me when you went out with that Daniel guy. But he's another thing I took care of."

The slideshow stopped and a video started playing. A person was tied up and yelling, "Help me! Someone save me! He's trying to kill me!" Daniel.

I close my eyes and turn my head, but that doesn't block out his pleading screams, begging for mercy.

"Stop!" I exclaim, "Please, just stop!"

"Hey!" Spencer stands up, and yells, "Turn it off!" He starts to pound on the door.

Spencer rushes towards me and sits next to me, he says in a calming voice, "Hey, look into my eyes and hear the sound of my voice. Focus on my voice"

I open my eyes and look at him, "O-Okay"

"Don't stab me, don't kill me please! I'll do anything!"

I wince and I start to cry, Spencer holds my hands, "Jessica, what happened to Greg and Daniel was not your fault. Do you hear me?"

I nod, weakily. "Good. What this guy wants to do is get into your head. Don't let him do that"

"Please! Don't do this!", Daniel starts screaming, and I hear him being stabbed multiple times.

"No Daniel! I'm sorry!" I say, I feel myself shaking from the horror.

The video is over, but then a dark chuckle is heard, "This is what's going to happen to you, Dr. Spencer Reid. You shouldn't have investigated"

Spencer squeezes my hands, "Hey, don't listen to him. We're going to be okay. We need to be stronger than he is"

I nod, but I'm still crying. Spencer starts to wipe away some of my tears, I then pull him in for a hug. He tenses up at first, but then he wraps his arms around me and hugs me back.

We let go when we hear a door slam. We both look at the unsub, who has now taken off his ski-mask and shown himself. He's a white male in his early 40s, his dark hair has streaks of gray in it, his face is sporting an evil smirk.

I stand up, agrily and walk over to him, "You killed him you son of a b**ch!"

He slaps me, making me fall to the ground. Spencer exclaims, "Don't touch her!"

The unsub kicks him and grabs him by the throat. The unsub looks at me and points a gun at Spencer's head, "If you don't want him to die this very second, I suggest you stop talking to me with that rude mouth of yours"

I shut-up, "I-I'm sorry. Please, don't hurt us"

He glares at Spencer before putting his gun away, I think that he's going to let Spencer go and leave, but then he pulls Spencer out of the cell.

"W-Wait! Where are you taking him?" I say.

He glared at Spencer, "He'll be back"

"You said that if I behaved, you wouldn't hurt him!" I exclaim.

"Well, you're not doing a very good job right now, keeping to your word", he spat.

Before I can respond, he slams the door shut taking Spencer with him.

Author's Note: This chapter was a pretty long chapter. Anyways, hope you guys liked it. Comment and vote! Until Next Time....

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