What a Honeymoon

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Lucy p.o.v

The beach. I always loved the beach, filled eith bright blue waves that seem to wash away all the worries of regualr everyday life.

But right now i wish i was a thousand miles away from the ocean. "Cmon Lucy, Itl be fun!" Natsu tried to encourage me as he starts paddling a surfboard into the water, while dragging me along. "Natsu..... I hate surfing! Ill die! What if a shark comes?! I cant even swim that well!" I tried to get away, but one pleading look from Natsu had me melt from the inside out. It was our honymoon after all.... I can be strong for him.

"Ready Luce?" Narsu asks, ready to burst from excitement. I swear he hasnt grown up a bit, hes still the same reckless kid i fell.in love with, And thats the best part. "O-okay" i stammer out, terrified. "Your so adorable when your scared Lucy" Natsu says, trying not to explode into laughter. This made me mad, which is probably what he wanted because i forgot about my fear as i prepared to punch that grin off his face.


And just like that we were swept in with the biggest wave i have ever seen. My fear creeps back into my veins and soon i find it too hard to ignore, so i start shaking. "Aw its okay Lucy, you can trust me, i have you. Just focus on me and everything will be Okay." After saying this Natsu gently picked me up and held me bridal style, all while managing to keep the surf board ballanced.

Looking into his warm, onyx eyes and hearing his soft, deep voice did im fact calm me. Also it was alot easier to keep my balance when i didnt have to at all, with Natsu holding me.

Wow. I guess he has had alot of surfing practice. Feeling the warmth of Natsu made me calm down and start to enjoy the fun of riding a huge wave.


And just like that the fun ends.

Leave it to Natsu to do somthing stupid like forget how deep we are. So it was little surpirse to me when the tip of our surfboard hits a sand mound and we topple into the shallow. But it wasnt shallow enough.

I gag and try my best to reach the surface, but the waves and water seem to pull me down. I was drowning.

All untill that pink haired idiot came blasting through the water, trying to reach me. Just as a red faze filled my vision my head broke the surface, and i start gasping in air. Natsu, who was practally having a panic attack rips me from the water and collapses us on the beach.

As i cough up water i relaize Natsu was on the verge of tears. I had no idea i was really that close to dying... "I- th-though i kil-lled you Luce" he gasps out, his head fumbling onto my chest.

"Shh shh its okay Natsu, im right here, and im fine." He takes one shaky breath and lays on the sand next to me. As we gaze into the stary sky, i remember somthing Natsu told me when we first met.

"Natsu... I always knew you could surf but.... I thought you didnt know how to swim" Natsu grabs my hand and meets my gaze.

"I would do the impossible if it meant saving you Lucy"

It made me rember of the old fairy tails about how the knight would do anything to save the princess from the evil dragon, even if it meant loosing his life.

But Natsu wasnt a knight. Natsu was the dragon. And this time, it was the dragon saving the princess.

If only i knew that, in the end, the princess would be the downfall of the dragon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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