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Natsu p.o.v

Just a regular day. If you consider being a part of a hit and run with an egg regular. As i practically kiss the ground and i feel the slimy insides.of an egg slip into the back of my shirt a ger takes over me and i scream, "YOUR DEAD"

But by that time the car was gone without a trace. I have to say though, being hit in the head with an egg really was a walk down memmory lane. Just 5 years ago i wouldnt be suprised if i had a whole omlet smashed into my hair.

Lucy Heartfelia really was a wild girl. Even thinking her name sent pain radiating down my heart. I really loved that girl. I loved her with more love then i thought i even had.

But she broke my heart.

It really wasnt her fault, i would have done the same thing if i found her forcefully making out with her ex who broke her heart. But thats just the thing... I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS BEING FORCEFULLY KISSED. Lucy didnt know that flare had pretty much mouth raped me and pretended to be horrified just to get back at me for turning her down. So she left.

She left me broken.

As i finnaly get home and shut the door behind me i plop on the couch. I didnt know whether to smile or cry as.i see a huge ketchup stain directly over my head. "How did she even get it on the ceiling?" i mumble to myself.

And just like that i was asleep.

2 hours later

I almost trip about a thousand times as i reluctantly make my way down a very... Very... Very familiar route. I was on my way to the scene of the crime.

A little dinner.

When i arrive in the run down, practically deserted dinner, my attention is stolen by a figure whoes face was hidden by a black hoodie. Ive honestly never seen anyone sit in my booth before, but stranger or not im not.sitting anywhere else. I fell in love at that booth, and i rather die then give it up. So i casually strode over.

The second i sat down the perosn in the hoodie chuckled, "if you waiting for someone you might want to scram"

I just smiled and replied, "no, its just this is a bery important booth to me, so if you're waiting for someone i think you're gonna have to scram."

From their sweet voice i identified this stranger as a girl. "Im not moving" she said, "Well neither am i" i replied with finality.

Being overcome with awkward silence i decided to embark in small talk eith this stranger who still hasnt even looked at me. "So where are you from?" i asked politely. " im from here actually, im just visiting though"

"What brings you to a run down place like this?" i had to know. "Memmories, you?" i chuckled a little. " same, Memmories of crazy days with a crazy chick."

At this the stanger lady finnaly looked up at me. I didnt meet her eyes because i was still dazedly straing at a smoothie stain on the wall next to the booth i sat in.

At the sight of me the girl in the hoodie gagged on her chocolate shake and nearly fell out of her chair. "Whoa you okay?" i ask, worried.

"Ok, uh yes ok i am. I am ok" she stammered, steading herself.

Lucy p.o.v

Natsu. Im sitting arcoss from Natsu. Shit. Taking in a deep breath and calming myself down i considered my options again.

Run or face this head on. I chose the ladder. "So hows this craxy girl of yours?" i ask trying to sound calm. I obviously asked a bad question, because natus face practically sank like a ship. "She ran. Fast."

"Why?" of course i knew why but i just see if he would admit his crime.

But what he told me broke my heart.

Natsu didnt try to kiss flare. Flare was just being a bitch as allways.

I didnt know what to do. Here i was, stitting in front of the boy i love, not knowing what to say.

In a flash my hoodie was on the floor, Natsus face was full of susprise, and what was left of my chocolate shake was in his hair.

At the same momment spagetti was tangled into mine.

And then we kissed. I melted into that kiss and let my emotions run free. Tears slid down my face as his warm lips moved against mine. Letting go and gasping for breath, Natsu choked out, "i missed you lucy" i noticed the tears in his eyes.

"What are you going to do now that you have me back?" i asked, wanted to kiss him again.

Just before his lips touched mine for a second time he whisperd,

"Never let go"

Strangers (NaLu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora