"Don't apologize. You don't need to apologize. The past is past. Forget it. I love you"
I smile at him. He places his forehelm against mine.
"I love you more than earth and Cybertron combined."
He smiles.
"You were always the apologetic type."
I laugh at his statement.
"And you were always the protective and stubborn type"
He smirks, "how stubborn?"
I kiss his faceplate.
"Worse than me"
He chuckles. I look at him, giving him a confused smile.
"What's so funny?"
He starts laughing.
"Y-You'd get yourself into trouble on purpose so I could save you"
A light blue brushes onto my face.

"Well....you did kiss me in front of that fem' that had a crush on you."
A light tint of blue appears onto his face.
"That was because I liked you and not her"
I giggle, "but I was dating Ironhide!"
His blush deepens.
I smile, shoving my head into his neck.
"Oh Bee. I love you too much."
He chuckles lightly, kissing my temple.
"Yeah, but I love you more than my own voice"
I flick his chest.
"Don't say that, idiot."
His smile widens, "it's true."
I mumble into his cables, "shut your intake before I kick your aft."

I pull my head away. He places a digit underneath my chin, his smile widening by the second.
"Oh please do so, nurse"
I was originally Ratchet's apprentice which is why he said nurse. I smirk.
"Do you have any injuries?"
He laughs.
"My neck has be aching for hours. Please make it better, nurse"
I laugh, kissing his neck cables. He growls. I stop, laughing and placing my head into his neck.
"I-I can't with your growls", I stutter out. He growls again and I laugh more. His growls are too much for me.

I sneak around the scrapyard, looking for the mech. I then get pulled into a tight hug.
"Ack! Bee!"
He smiles, kissing my cheek plate. I squirm in his grip.
"Hello nurse. What are you doing out here? All by yourself? I can fix that alone part."
It was pretty late out. The stars and moon were bringing light down upon us. I arch my back.
"Please officer. I was just heading home"
Bee smirks, his grip on me tightening.
"I should give you a ride then~"
His servos snake down to my waist plates. He growls, making me smile. The rumbling of his chest could make any femme melt. I purr to his growls.
"Face me, miss"
I turn around, facing his glowing blue optics. We were bound to wake somebot. Hopefully not Optimus.

With my smile widening I respond, "please be gentle, officer~"
He smiles. He leans down, kissing me lightly, in a teasing manner. I whine, making him kiss me roughly. I wrap my arms around his neck cables, gently playing with his door panels. He shivers, making me retreat my servos. I then grab onto his vertebrae. His kisses trailing down to my neck. I was definitely going to get bruised from this. As he tries finding my sweet spot, I purr to his movements. By surprise, he picks me up. He rests me against his waist plates. His servos grab tightly on my aft, using it for leverage.

"Bee~", I moan out his designation as he finds my sweet spot. He growls, tightening his grip on my aft. He earns another moan in return of his actions. My grip on his back tightens. He lets out a satisfied moan. He never did tell me why he moaned. Continuing on, he gnaws on my ear as I start kissing his neck. As soon as I find his sweet spot he lets out a loud, deep growl. He kisses me afterwards.
"Lets get some rest. We'll continue this another day."
That means in a few nights. He carries me to the main area. He sits down. We soon fall asleep in each other's embrace.

The next morning was worse than Unicron on a bad day. Apparently somebot thought it was a good idea to tell Optimus about the previous night. Cough cough, Bee, cough cough. I was exhausted, like I always am after a good night, and I was being told off. I hated Optimus sometimes. Ok, that's a lie. I hate him a lot, but this was out of control. I didn't need to be lectured on when it's a good time to interface and when it's not a good time. I'm not a sparkling. To escape this mayhem, Bee and I went on a nice, slow drive together. Eat that, Optimus!

I swerve towards Bee again.
"Stop apologizing! That's my job"
He sighs.
"You're mad, aren't you?"
I grunt.
"No interfacing for two weeks?"
"No. It's no interfacing for four weeks"
He stops.
"But that's a whole month!!"
He revs his engine, catching up with me.
"Exactly. You see where teasing gets you?"
"Yeah. A month of trying to live without interfacing"
I laugh.
"You'll live. It's not that bad"
He growls.

"Wait. Don't you have your heat cycle next month?"
I stop and Bee slows down. I pick up my pace again. I stay silent.
"It is! How will you get over those cravings, hmm?"
I growl.
"Fine! Only one week!"
Bee revs his engine, speeding up.
"Woo hoo!"
I speed up, bumping into him.
"Hey! Watch it!"

One week later~
"Hey! You promised!"
I snarl at him.
Bee rubs his body against my back.
"Please nurse?"
I grunt.
"Fine. But under one circumstance!"
"Whatever it is darling, I'll do it"
I smirk.
"Rev that loud, spark melting engine of yours"
He does just that and I purr.
"Come on, Night~"
He growls. I let out a small moan.
"That's it~", Bee coos.

I hope you all enjoyed this extra long chapter! I couldn't thank you enough for your support. Thank you all! ❤️❤️

Robots in Disguise: The WolfWhere stories live. Discover now