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Okay, let me introduce myself first. Hi, I'm Hyun Yuna daughter of the owner of Maid Latte. Don't worry I still go to school and I'm currently in my last year of college. I cannot wait to get the hell out of school. And YES, I work as a delivery girl in our shop since I'm broke as fuck, relatable hm?


"Yuna, dear! Deliver this coffee quickly to our favourite customer. You already know right? The same address, please and thank you,'' I was having a nice short nap when my dad interrupted it. Sigh, I'm going to that place AGAIN. The place where time moves so damn slow. 

"Ne! I'll be there in a sec!" I then got up from my seat and did a quick check on myself while putting my baseball cap on. "I guess this is it, facing that guy again..."

I went to the waiting counter to grab the coffee that I need to deliver again. As you can hear coming from my tone, you might think that this job is depressing. Of course it is not, as long as it's not that place again.

I hopped on my scooter and started driving. It always take me 20 minutes to get there since it's a pretty long drive. Well the good thing about it is that I could enjoy the fresh air and go to many different locations. It's like I'm travelling.

I finally arrived at the place, again. The company is pretty big, it's like a 5-star luxurious hotel for the VIPs. I proceed to enter the building. I took the elevator and pressed the 8th floor button. I waited until it finally stopped and opened. This is it, I'm in front of his office. Before I could even knock the door opened on its own. "Oh my fucking Jesus!" His aura is so intense that it will creep up to your spine. I see him. He's sitting on his comfortably lookin-ass chair while his back is facing me.

I cleared my throat before saying a word. Then I lightly knocked.

"Um... here's your caramel macchiato, sir," I uttered.

He stood up from his seat slowly turning his back. [a/n: slow motion moment]

"Didn't I told you before to not call me "sir" but "Yoongi" instead?—," his deep voice sucks you in and it's usually difficult to get back out. I didn't know what to respond back while he's making his way towards me. "I hate you, i hate you."

He then leaned over my ears making me stumbled back from where I stood. I could not move my body even just an inch. 

"Or how about... Daddy Suga?" he raised an eyebrow pretending to also agree from what he just said. "Excuse me? The audacity from this man-" I could kill him right now at this moment! He leaned his back on the door waiting for my response.

"i- I would prefer to call you Yoongi, so here's your order sir— I mean Mr. Yoongi— No I mean Yoongi!" I handed his coffee like a robot and heard him let out a chuckle.

Honestly, even the way he laugh is so cute— "HOLD UP! Stop talking nonsense Yuna!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that when you get here you have to get rid of the coffee and you already know what I've been asking, right?" he's giving me that disgusting look again. I rolled my eyes.

"Uh... excuse me SIR?! I'm here to specifically deliver your coffee and your COFFEE only, not my heart. So, will you please hurry up and pay for this now," I commanded him while I hand out my hand to receive the payment. He's still smirking at me.

Argh! This is the only part where I don't like my job. The part where I have to go to this place everyday and the part where I have to see his face every fucking single day. Can you imagine that?

Yoongi grabbed my wrist pulling me inside his office. He trapped me with his both arms leaving our faces few inches away from each other. "Oh no Yuna, this is not good! RIP to me!"

He left me no choice but to kick his balls since he had the balls to actually do that to me. "Hah! Serves you right!" I yelled at him and left with a smile on my face from the relief that I successfully got out.

Right before I closed his door he shouted something to me.

"Sorry! I just want to know your n—," I completely shut the door before he could finish. At least, I heard him said sorry.

I'm glad my business with him is finally over. I think I will be having nightmares from this. This is the shittiest day ever. 

Yoongi's POV

"... I just want to know your name...., yeah, never mind she already left and thanks to me!"

When on earth did I learned to do those grab-wrist-trap-her-and-lean moves?! Am I an international playboy now like Jungkook? 

That delivery girl is so cute with those baseball cap on her. That's why I always tell the owner of the shop to let her send me the coffee so I could ask her name. But this is the 20th time that I had failed, again. I always thought of her as the girl from one of my classes since their height, voice and features are very quite alike. Maybe it's really her? But if it is really her then how much stupid am I if I could have just asked her name at school before? 

Yuna's POV

Today was the most shitty when I had to deal with that guy, Yoongi.

He must have probably mentioned that I look like the girl from his school. Yes, indeed it's me. Though, I don't think he fully knows it's me or he may just be playing around. He's an idiot.

To be continued...

Hi Ho! This is my 3rd book😊 If you haven't read any of my previous books check them out😜

Is it good so far?!!! 💯


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