Chapter 10: Creek's death

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Poppy felt her nose being pushed and she opened her eyes and saw that she was in The Scooping Room. She tried to move but only to find out she's been tied up with some rope. "Have a nice sleep Poppy?" Creek's voice said evilly. She turned her head and saw that Creek was in the control room of The Scooping Room. "YOU BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELF CREEK!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!!!" Poppy yelled furiously. "Oh but if I explain that would ruin the surprise." Creek said in an evil tone. "WHAT SURPRISE?!!" Poppy yelled even more furious. Creek put on an evil smirk and furrowed his brow. "This surprise." He said and suddenly the light to the scooping room turned on. Poppy's eyes widened in horror when she saw Branch chained up against the wall struggling to break free. "Branch!" She yelled trying to reach out for him but remembered she was tied with rope. Branch heard her yell his name and directed his eyes towards her. "Poppy!" He yelled. "Aww isn't this sad. Two lovers about to die without saying I love you. Reminds me of Trollmeo and Juliet. I've never liked that story because it was filled with gross romance. But now I get to see it come to life. How entertaining....FOR ME MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Creek evilly laughed. "YOU BETTER NOT HURT HER YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!!" Branch yelled. "Oh Branch i'm not going to hurt her....first. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!" Creek maniacally laughed again and pushed the button to power on The Scooper. "NO!!! BRANCH!!!!" Poppy yelled but suddenly The Scooper came on and started to Scoop Branch's wires and cables out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Branch screamed in pain of being scooped again. Poppy was struggling to break free from the tight rope but she remembered something she could do that no one else can. She can open her stomach. She immediately opened her stomach and broke the rope. She threw her chair through the window of the control room for The Scooping Room and latched herself at Creek and began fighting with him. "You like hurting innocent people Creek?! Well looks like it's lights out for you." Poppy said and opened her stomach again and began stabbing Creek with the little metal scooper that was in her stomach. Blood and guts started to poor out of Creek. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Creek yelled out in pain and tried to push Poppy off of him but she was stronger than him and kept stabbing him until he became limp and unable to move. His eyes rolled in his head and he died. Poppy turned off The Scooper and ran towards Branch and used her little scooper to break the chains. Branch fell to the floor but Poppy put his head on her lap. He started to cough out his oil and looked up at Her. "Poppy you saved me." He muttered. "Of course I did. I couldn't let him take my last friend away from me." She said sobbing. "Poppy I'm dying. I got a second left so I just wanted to tell you that I love you." Branch said and  suddenly became lifeless. "Branch no!! Please don't leave me. Not you two! Please! I never got to tell you that I love you two." She said and started sobbing and pressed her forehead to his and started singing. "And I can't give you back the things you had but you don't have do this on your own even if you're never coming home You're Not Alone. You're Not Alone." She finished and started crying again unaware that a golden tear fell on Branch's cheek and suddenly golden light started to form around her and Branch. She lifted her head up and looked around in shock. She looked at Branch and noticed that he started changing. He gained his body back and formed some clown clothes. He had a green vest with some light beige pants and some green clown shoes. His little button formed a red bow tie. Not only did he get his body and clothes back he also got his colors back. He started turning light blue with dark blue hair that growed a few inches long. She checked to see if he was alive and to her relief his eyes opened. He now had them both. Okay guys I'm going to rap this chapter up and write the last chapter tomorrow. Bye.

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