Chapter 5: We have the same dream?

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Poppy and Branch were in the scooping room getting to know each other better they've been talking a lot about friends and secrets. "I have something I want to tell you. You promise you won't laugh?" Branch said slightly embarrassed. "Cross my metal heart." Poppy said crossing her heart. "I have this dream about going out of the pizzeria and being free." Branch said. "Really?" Poppy said shocked by the fact that he shared the same dream as her and her friends. " I know it's silly but-" Branch said before he was interrupted by Poppy. "No No. it's not silly at all in fact me and my friends share the same dream as you." Poppy said happily. "Really?" Branch said shocked. "Yes." Poppy said with joy. "Wow I never would have thought. Guess I was wrong." Branch said surprised. "What do you mean?" Poppy said in confusion. "Well to be honest I was scared that if I ever told anyone my dream they would laugh at me and tell me I was lame for dreaming that. When I was still active on stage that is." Branch said rubbing the back of his head with a red blush on his face. "Oh Branch we aren't going to laugh at you and call you lame." Poppy said. "Thank you Poppy you really are a true friend. You're Beautiful, you're sweet and you're the whole package with a heart of gold." Branch said making Poppy blush a deep red. "Aww Branch you're so sweet. And handsome and the whole package with a heart of gold as well." Poppy said and rapped her hands around Branch in a sweet hug which he happily returned. The Circus Pack were watching the whole scene and were squealing in their heads with big dorky grins on their lips. They were so happy that Branch shared the same dream with Poppy and them and they were also happy that Poppy and Branch were growing even closer to each other. Here's the new chapter let me know what you think. Enjoy.

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