Chapter 3: The Stupid and irritating night guard

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Circus Poppy came back from her walk around the pizzeria. "Okay everyone we have to get back to our stages because unfortunately Creek the stupid night guard is coming tonight." She said with an irritated voice because she and her friends hated that guy because he was annoying and always controlled shock them for amusement and it absolutely made them mad. The others groaned in frustration. "Really? That guy?!" Cooper said. "H-a-a-v-e-n't we d-e-alt with him e-n-ough?" Guy Diamond sang in his auto-tuned voice and swayed his hips with a little dance. "Can't he just get a life?!" Chenille said. "Yeah! Why do we even need a night guard anyway? We don't do anything except sleep at night!" Funtime Satin said. "I know guys. I don't like him either but unfortunately he has to come and control shock us just for his amusement. I still can't believe what he did to those five poor kids." Poppy said with a sad voice. She and The others sighed and went to their stages. "Tell us when it's over Poppy." Cooper said. "*Gulp* will do." Poppy said scaredly because she did not want her and her friends to be control shocked. They all heard the door open and close and saw their mortal enemy: Creek. They were silently grinding their teeth in frustration. Creek stopped and stared at all of them and just laughed. "Oh guys you are so pathetic and stupid to act like you're all not haunted it's really adorable to be honest. I've always hated you guys." Creek said and continued walking to his office. "The feeling is mutual you good for nothing son of a-" Cooper said before he was interrupted by Suki. "Shh Cooper he might hear you." She said. Cooper blushed because he had a huge crush on her. "Okay Suki." He said. Unfortunately almost all of them got control shocked except for Poppy because she was next. Stupid Creek pushed the button and shocked her and she started to scream and cry just like her friends did when it happened to them. Branch woke up because he heard crying and screaming. He rubbed his eye and checked camera monitors and to his horror saw that the other animatronics being control shocked but his horror was towards Poppy being shocked and crying and from the looks of it her friends were crying too just watching the sight. Branch was so mad he thought he would malfunction and saw the jerk who was doing it and saw that he was laughing evilly. Branch was even more furious from seeing that jerk hurting his Poppy. No troll messed with his Poppy. He stormed out of the scooping room and went straight to the night guard office to give The Jerk a piece of his mind. Creek was laughing so hard but it was soon interrupted when Branch broke the door in and grabbed Creek by the throat and lifted him with his endoskeleton hand. "Listen here you piece of troll trash! I don't know who you are or what you're doing here but no troll and I MEAN NO TROLL MESSES WITH MY POPPY FOR THEIR OWN ENJOYMENT! SO LISTEN HERE JERK YOU COME BACK HERE AND TORTURE MY POPPY AND HER FRIENDS AGAIN THOSE FIVE POOR LITTLE KIDS YOU KILLED WONT BE THE ONLY ONES WHO DIED IN A PIZZERIA!!! YOU GOT THAT YOU IDIOT JERK??!!! He yelled while giving Creek the business. Creek scaredly nodded and Branch let go and Creek dashed out quickly out of the pizzeria. Branch hurriedly ran over to Poppy and saw her on the floor moaning and crying in pain and saw that her beautiful pink skin had blotches of black from being shocked. He ran over to her and cradled her in his wirery arms. Poppy opened her beautiful hot pink eyes and saw Branch cradling her in his arms "Branch thank goodness it's you. It was horrible. Me and my friends got control shocked. It was so painful." She said sobbing. "Shh it's okay Poppy I'm here for you and your friends, I won't let that jerk hurt you for his amusement again." He said and kissed her forehead. Poppy blushed and smiled when he kissed her forehead and put her head on his chest and fell asleep. Okay everyone here's my new chapter of my new story and if you're all wondering yes I do ship DJ Suki with Cooper so deal with it 😎 nah I'm just kidding. Bye everyone.

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