Flippity Flops

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Walking through the forest. The tress are red and green. Yellow and purple. Everything is so beautiful. You see a huge round lake. Butterfly's and animals all live here. You raise your arm and a bird lands on it. Suddenly it rains. You ask the birds to take you with them. One bird lands on a tree nearby, lifts it's wing to its forehead, making the motion of "aye, caption!" Suddenly, you are lifted in a bed of flowers by hundreds of butterfly's. You go up in the air. Then, one butterfly flys up to you and suddenly, shouts "Ayesha, WAKE UP!!!"

I wake up rethinking what kind of dream I just had. Well, that was until I look at my sister in annoyance and turned to my alarm clock to see the black screen with the digital numbers read 8:24.

Now, you may be thinking I'm late for school or something. But really, it said 8:24'pm. And that's the time of Louis' party!

If you don't know, Louis is my secret crush. I've liked him, like, ALOT. But he never notices me. That's just what happens when you have a crush that you can never bring yourself up to talk to.

Once I tried to talk to him, but when I walked up to him, I guess I just lost it and walked past him as if I never noticed him. I threw my head in my hands after walking away.

Well, it wasn't exactly his party. He was just going to it. Instead, it was the party of a not friend, Sara. She is a beautiful girl. But under all that beauty, she is a murderer in disguise. Since it is April, that means I still have 2 months left of grade 8.

That means I have 2 months of her RUINING my life!

Sometimes I wonder if she was born from a devil.

Guys. This is all for fun. If Ayesha or Sara are reading this, you guys are the only characters I can think of. I do not mean any of this.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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