Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Alex's POV
"Remind me why I'm going to be dealing with a sad Charlie now?" Sean asks as Maddie and Charlie say goodbye.
"Because I booked the tickets for tomorrow before they were together so we decided to keep our plans. Especially as we're staying with Ella," I tell him as I take the last mouthful of water.
"He knows it's for 1 night right?" Liam laughs.
"Yeah. And it's not like she's been to school already today," I laugh.
"It's sickening," Trevor says.
"And you're not like this with your girlfriend?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Not as mushy as that," he says gesturing to my best friend and her boyfriend.
"I don't think anyone is," Sean winces.
"Right. Come on love bird. We have a train to catch," I say pulling Maddie off Charlie.
"See you tomorrow Alex," Sean says as I pick up my bag.
"Don't miss me to much," I call over my shoulder as I walk out to my brother's car.
I reach it expecting Maddie to be behind me but she's not. I turn back towards the house and pull her out.
"I know it's heartbreaking but we have to leave now," I say to the boys, dragging her to my brothers car.
"How's things going with Sean?" Maddie smirks as we sit on the train towards London Bridge.
"What?" I smile innocently.
"You know what. Has anything happened between you?" She pushes.
"No. And you would know that if you ever took a breath from Charlie," I say sticking my tongue at her childishly.
"I'm just asking because I was talking to Gabe yesterday while we made dinner and he said that Sean had said you made him laugh with the comments you come out with," she says playing with a bit of her auburn hair.
"I do have a lot of sas," I smile to myself.
"Anyway. He also said that he's never seen Sean laugh the way he does when you're around," she continues and I know she's trying to get something out of me.
"What are you pushing for?" I ask.
"Oh. Nothing. I just thought you might like to know given that you have a crush on him and all," she smirks as she looks at me.
"Shut up Mads," I tell her while trying not to smile. She knew it was true but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of know she was right.
"It's okay. I'm not going to tell him," she rolls her eyes at me.
"Sure," I drag out but we end up laughing at it all. I love this girl to bits and I know that what ever I tell her she'll keep between us.
"How was the other night? I saw the boys Snapchat," I chuckle as I think back to the boys who at 3am had decided to slide down the stairs in their bedding.
"They were quite quiet for the first two but as soon as Liam went the noise increases. They woke me up but you know when you can't be bothered to get out of bed. It was like that until Sean and his 'bobsled'. After that I got out of bed and had a go at them but Charlie ended up getting me to go down the stairs with him. I thought I was going to die," she tells me while eating one of the strawberries from her bag.
"Charlie obviously wears the trousers," I laugh also taking a strawberry.
"I would say that. I'm to paranoid to wear them but when it comes to the boys I'm the one in control," I laugh at her words as she try's not to laugh too.
"Have you spoken to he who shall not be named lately?" I ask.
"Jack or Luke?" She asks.
"Either, both?" I ask know that after everything happened she struggled with everything. I think it was one of her main tipping points.
"No. And I don't want to," she says before looking out the window.
I don't say anything until we get to London Bridge.
"She's over there," Maddie calls as we spot Ella at the station.
We rush towards each other, embracing her in a 3 way hug.
"I haven't seen you girls in ages. Tell me everything," Ella says as we start to walk back to the hotel.
Sorry, this chapter is a bit of a filler chapter but I hope you like it. Writing about MK in the next few chapters.
M. Xx

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