Chapter Eighteen

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Mad's POV
My eyes flutter open to the sight of the boy that I love's head resting on my chest. He looks so perfect when he sleeps. So innocent. His blonde hair is scruffy and all over the place. I'm so happy he's mine.
My alarm rings through the room, jolting him awake and ruining the moment. He rolls of me and into his pillow.
"Turn it off," he groans as I reach over and turn off my alarm.
"Sorry," I say giving him a light kiss on his cheek.
"What time is it?" He moans into his pillow.
"6:15," I say as I get off the bed and walk towards my bag.
"Why are you up this early?" He asks.
"Because I need to get to school on time so I have no choice but to get up earlier," I explain grabbing my clothes for today. "I'm going to go to the bathroom and get change," I say as I walk towards the door.
"You could get changed in here," he says lifting his head and giving me a smirk.
"In your dreams Jones," I laugh as I walk out of the room and towards the bathroom.
I look at myself in the mirror. My auburn hair is left down, still with a curl from last night. I have light foundation on, a bit of blush and mascara but nothing to big. My outfit is a simple black pencil skirt and a purple/grey wrap over, sleeveless blouse with an attached chocker.
I walk out of the bathroom and back into Charlie's bedroom where he's sitting on his now made bed, dressed and on his phone.
"Why are you up so early then?" I laugh as I put what I had last night and my makeup bag into my bag.
"I'm coming with you," he says like it's the most obvious thing ever.
"Why?" I asks siting on the floor as I put Witchery Abbey ankle boots with the chunky heel (that I bought when I was in Australia during the summer but that story is for another time) on.
"What? I can't take my beautiful girlfriend to school?" He asks raising his eyebrows. He knows full well if he calls me beautiful he'll get me to backdown.
"Well. You can come but you know that you'll have to get back here as well. It's a good hour and a half journey," I point out as I put in my black heart earrings and my silver and blue eight set rings.
"Maybe I'll go to Bromley and get some shopping done," he teases as he walks over to me. "Then I can take my girlfriend out for lunch," he says helping me up.
"I have a free from 12 but I'll need to be back by 1:40 so I can go to silent study," I say still holding on to him.
"I can work with an hour and 40 minutes," he smiles as he places a kiss on my lips. "But I'm hungry now so shall we go and get some breakfast?" He says pulling away from the kiss.
"You read my mind," I smile.
"Charlie. Hurry up. I'll leave without you. I don't want to be late," I call as he runs out of his front door.
"I'm here. I'm here," he puffs as we start to walk towards the bus stop to get the first bus.
"I still don't see why..." I start before I'm rudely interrupted.
"Because I want to and I love you and I want to spend as much time with you as I can," he swiftly says in one breath.
"Well from tomorrow you can have me as I have no school till the new year," I smile kissing him on the cheek.
"Good. We need to work out when to see each other at Christmas," he says taking my bag from me.
"Well I'm working Christmas Eve so that's a no," I point out. "And I'm in London with my family on the Wednesday."
"What about Boxing Day? Our families could do something together?" He suggests.
"Yeah. That actually sounds good. We could go for a walk or something. Then the pub?" I put ideas out.
"You're going to make me go for a walk?" He says raising his eyebrows.
"I'm not the one who made a video of themselves walking up a hill and put it on YouTube," I point out.
"No you just text people song lyrics and put their responses on YouTube," he replies and I childishly stick my tongue out at him. "So mature," he laughs.
"Thanks. I know," I laugh back.
"So. What does my amazing girlfriend want for Christmas?" He asks draping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.
"I thought we agreed not to get Christmas presents for each other," I say, raising my eyebrows as I look up at him.
"I know but can I not be interested in what my girlfriend wants for Christmas," he says smiling causing me to know he was planning something.
"Clothes mainly," I say hesitantly.
"Why clothes?"
"Because most of my clothes are work, school or gym. I don't really have just normal clothes," I say as we teach the bus stop.
"You've basically asked for a shopping spree of normal clothes," he smiles.
"Pretty much," I chuckle as he laughs.
"This is why I love you," he says pulling me into face him.
"You love me because I ask for a shopping spree for Christmas?" I question.
"Because you're so abnormal ," he laughs kissing me.
"Well, so are you so I think we work well together," I giggle as the bus arrives.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been really busy with school (ugh A-levels). Will be posting more often soon.
Going to see them this weekend. Anyone else going? Can't wait. Hopefully it will give me some ideas.
This is kind of a filler chapter but I needed some details for later events. Alexia will be coming back soon but I feel this period of time best suits Maddie.
Love you guys and remember to vote and share with friends. And I would love to hear some of you thought.
With love,
M. Xx

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