Chapter Eight

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Alexia's POV

"Yeah so she said that she with the person she ran into," Luke said after he told me that Mads has injured herself. I don't understand why she wants to run but I know it makes her happy so I encourage it but to hear that she's injured herself makes me so nervous.

"Thanks Luke. I'm going to trying ringing her now," I tell him before hanging up. I try 4 times to ring Mads but I'm getting no answers. I start to panic in case something really bad has happened so I start to text her.

It's been about 10 mins since I first called Mads when I get a text from her.

Partygirl: It's all okay. I'm with Charlie Jones 😉

My mouth drops open at the text. How has she ended to with Charlie? Unless Charlie was the person she ran into. I'm so proud of her.

Maddie POV

"Hello Sweetie, how's the ankle doing?" Mrs Jones asked me as she gives me a cup of tea.

"It's not too painful. There's just pain when I move it or put pressure on it," I say as she takes a seat next to me and lifts up the ice pack.

"The swelling has gone down," Charlie says from behind her.

"It's really nice to finally met you Maddie. Charlie is always talking about you," she says replacing the ice pack.

"He does?" I ask a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"Mum," I hear him say but decided not to turn to look at him as my smile grows.

"Anyway. You must stay for dinner Maddie. I would love to get to know you better," she says.

"Thank you that would be really nice," I smile as she gets up and leaves Charlie and I alone in the front room.

"You talk about me all the time then?" I smile as he takes the seat his Mam previously had.

"Well yeah I talk about you. You're an amazing person and" "Don't do the gushy love stuff. It's sickening," I cutting in.

"Okay then. Do you want to change your top? I've got a jumper you can wear," says changing the topic.

"That might be a good idea. I prefer not to meet people covered in coffee," I laugh.

"Okay. I'll be back in a second," he says getting up and leaving the room.

I get my phone out and text Alex.

Me: I'm staying for dinner at Charlie's xx

Alex: Shut up. Well done girl. Is he as nice in real life as he is over text? Xx

Me: He's so nice. I'll tell you the whole story later but he's treating me with so much care, it's such a nice change from what I was getting from Jack. Xx

Alex: I can't wait. Don't get up to anything naughty. Xx

I chuckled at Alex's text as Charlie walks back in with a jumper in his hand.

"You can wear this. It's the only thing that would really fit you and look okay," he says handing me the pink OA jumper.

"Are you sure?" I ask sitting up more so I would be able to change without disrupting my ankle too much.

"Yeah. It's fine. Here let me grab your tea for you," he says taking the cup from my hands to put on the side.

Without really thinking I take off my coffee stained white top to reveal my sports bra. I pull the jumper on, sorting my hair out of the neck and look up towards Charlie who is standing there staring at me.

"What?" I ask a smile playing on my lips.

"Damn, you're hot," he says causing me to chuckle.

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