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I leaned back against my locker and looked into the mass of bodies swarming the hallway. Some were taking their time while others rushed through the small space between bodies. Then there were the ones who stayed pushed up against the walls of lockers. I was one of those people, just standing there watching. Some people against the lockers stood there in twos snogging and shoving their tongues down each others throats. Welcome to a hell called high school.

Two people in particular caught my attention. Harry, last Styles, had a girl pressed up against the lockers an his tongue down her throat. I felt my breakfast climbing up my throat as I watched them. How could she stand there and even allow him to touch her. I hope she gets herpes.

My best friend Angeline walked up to me and leaned on the locker next to mine. "Are you really watching them, Kendall?" she asked.

I tore my gaze away from the nauseating couple to glare at her, "I'm watching to see how quickly she contracts an STD."

"I don't see why you hate him so much. He's never done anything to you."

"He doesn't have to do anything to me. Just seeing him try to get every girl in school into bed with him is enough." I fake gagged.

"You never know. Maybe you'll fall for him next." she offered.

"Only in his dreams."

"Or in yours." Angeline chuckled.

I bumped my shoulder into her's brushing off the comment, "Are we still going to the cinaplex to catch a movie tonight?" I asked her.

She looked off down the hall, "I don't know. Maybe."

I followed the direction of her eyes and saw Niall, last name Horan and also one of Harry's friends, was standing with one arm propped against a locker while gazing down at a small red head. Niall had this mysterious handsome look going on. Nobody really knew anything about him except that he was from Ireland. For the most part he kept to himself and didn't talk to many people. The ones he did talk to stayed mostly within his core group of friends.

With his chrystal blue eyes and dyed blond hair I could see why Angeline liked him. His biceps were a respectable bulk, not steroid large but not scrawny either, coupled with killer abs he was a definite looker. He always looked so serious though and you could tell by the look on his face that he held secrets only a few would ever know.

I turned my attention back over to Harry. His hair was a mop of curls that seemed highly untamed. I always saw him running his fingers through his hair when he was deep in thought. When you add his envy green eyes to rugged and sharp facial features you get a jock worthy face.

Such a shame that there were no jocks at this school.

Such a shame that even within a school of "nerds" there were still those that pushed above the rest as the popular ones. At most schools they were called queen bees, plastics, or even bitch crews. Here they we're simply called the pops. They were a mix of the insanely beautiful and mentally gifted students who saw them selves as the best when it came to school and beauty.

"I really think we need a night out." I insisted turning my attention back to Angeline. "You need get your mind off Niall and we both need start guy hunting. I'm not saying you couldn't get Niall but... do you really want a guy like that?" I asked.

She snapped her attention to me, 'Like what?"

"Hey don't get the bitch face going. I'm just saying that Niall is like Harry. They both jump around with girls willy nilly. Neither of us deserve to be hurt like that." I said offhandedly.

She sighed, "I know. So what movie do you want the see tonight?"

"I was thinking Titanic. It's so beautiful and... Jack should have loved dammit!!!"

Angeline chuckled at me, "Sounds like a plan."

At that moment the warning bell rang and everyone began moving faster as they headed to classes. "I'll see you after class!" I called as I headed toward my Algebra class.

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu