•° Chapter fourteen °•

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As the day went on I found myself having a free period, Selena and the twins were still nowhere to be found so I decided to go to the secret cave and find some silence.

I sit down on the nearest rock and look out onto the water, a small smile tugging on the ends of my lips.

Leaning against the side of the cave I let my mind roam free,"Hi mom.." I start off, taking a deep breath, not expecting it to still be this painful.

"I'm in my fourth year!" I say happily, looking up to the ceiling of the cave, "I'm top of my class in potions, hell I even made the Quidditch team. I have some really great friends and I wish you could've met them."

I fumble around with a small rock I found next to me. "Dad's holding up alright, he misses you though, we all miss you.. Going home now is like just a reminder of your absence."

"You should see Luna!" I giggle thinking about her, she never fails to make me laugh. "She looks so much like you mom, her eyes are the exact same." I rub my eyes to stop possible tears from flowing. "Fuck, I miss you."

"Tracy?" I quickly look behind me to see Fred staring at me, concern written all over his face. Quite logical, because I probably look like a mess with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose.

"I'm sorry, I was just talking to my mom and-" He quickly sits down next to me, "Trace, it's alright. Honestly, it's good to adress your feelings every once in a while."

He grabs the scrunchie tied around my wrist and puts my hair up in a bun, forgetting one rogue strand. I chuckle and look up at him, "Thank you." He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist, "That's what I'm here for, to cheer you up but also comfort you whenever you need me."

"You're such a great friend."

It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself, totally forgetting what Selena said before about him having a crush on me. I quickly glance at him and he turns his face away, "Yeah, I am." He says, forcing a small smile on his lips.

He tightens his grip on my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder, unsure of what I should say or do. Should I say sorry? That would just be weird.

I rest my chin on his shoulder and look up at him, he's just staring off into the distance taking deep breaths.

Deciding to do the dumbest thing ever:

I rest my hand on his cheek, push his face towards me and give him a soft quick kiss on the lips.

His eyes widen and so do mine, "I gotta go." I say quickly, and sprint out of the cave. I don't stop running until I reach the castle, what the damn hell.

Did I really have to ruin this entire friendship? Merlin's beard, he's gonna hate me. He's probably going to think I did this out of pity or I don't know despair?


When I arrive at Transfiguration and sit next to Selena I've got no clue what I should do. I mean she's used to me being quiet right? I don't have to talk or something.

"You're quiet."


"Whaaaaaaat, no I'm not where did you get that idea from, nothing peculiar happened, everything is fine. I didn't ruin anything."

She sighs, "Better get it out before McGonagall arrives."

"Okay, you can't tell anyone, this is top secret okay?" She nods and scooches her chair closer.

"I kissed Fred."

I fall off my chair as she literally screeches, "I KNEW IT!" I quickly stand up and sit back down to avoid even more stares of Hufflepuff. "When did this happen, bloody hell, tell me all!"

"Good afternoon class, now today we transfigure books into butterflies, wands out!" McGonagall struts in before I can say another word, Selena still has some trouble containing her happiness as a huge smile is etched into her lips.

"I'll explain the rest later." I whisper to her, she nods fiercely somehow making me regret telling her.


"And yeah, that's all." I say, shrugging my shoulders, Selena is literally crying as I'm telling her this at the dinnertable. "Honestly, this is so cute, I can't wait till I can see you guys walking around school hand in hand and all that stuff." My eyes widen as her story escalates.

"Easy there tiger, I haven't even spoken to him since it happened. Even if we did, I wouldn't know what to say." Selena looks past me, "Well during the ten minutes that we've been talking/eating our dinner, someone's had their eyes on you the entire time."

"Oh no, he's definitely coming after me as soon as we leave. What do I do?!" Selena chuckles as I'm totally reaching a full phase of panicking.

"Just say to him that you like him, he'll say it back and you'll be snogging for the rest of your schoolyears!"

"Bloody hell Selena, that's not what I want, we're a gang, we're friends, all of us, that means no romance! I gotta turn him down.."

Before I know it my cheek is hurting and is turning a slightly darker shade of red, "Did you just bitch slap me?" I ask Selena, she looks at me with a judgey look.

"Woman up, Lovegood. Tell the man how you feel."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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